Chapter 7

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Two years later..

Peter has been playing in the NFL for two years now and he's been doing so well. He's gotten a lot of fame for it and they're still very wealthy. Money wasn't an issue for them anymore which was so nice. Danny was now 17 and Peter was 20. School was going well for Danny and he was doing amazing in football just like Peter. He couldn't believe that he would be graduating High School next year and would be playing in the NFL as well. It was another Saturday night and Danny and Peters friends were over. It was a group of 8 people just hanging out. They ordered pizza and wings like they usually did and drank a few beers. They played some card games and were just laughing having a good time. 

Eventually everyone left and Danny walked Alice over to the front door. "Do I have to leave? Cant I just sleepover?" she laughed.

 "You know your mom would never agree to that, remember how she didn't let you come over in the beginning because there was no parental supervision" he laughed and she rolled her eyes. 

"She's the worst, she's so strict" she told him. 

"Hey she cares about you, its a good thing" he told her and she shrugged her shoulders. 

" I'll see you tomorrow okay?" he told her and kissed her lips. 

"I'll see you then, I'll text you when I get home" she told him and he nodded and closed the door behind her.

 He went back over to the couch and sat down and him and Peter started playing video games together and occasionally took sips of their beer. Eventually it got really late, around 1:40am. Peter turned off the video game and tv and they both yawned and headed up to their bedrooms that were next to each other. Danny started getting dressed into his pajamas which was a black t shirt and grey sweatpants. He looked at his phone and saw a message from Alice and smiled at his phone. He was about to reply when he heard a loud noise from downstairs. Like something breaking and shattering. He looked confused and put his phone in his pocket and headed downstairs, he assumed Peter dropped something.

 "Peter? Are you okay?" he asked and then heard the noise of glass under his feet. He looked down and saw a bunch of glass shattered. He looked over to his right since he felt a breeze and saw the window has been broken. 

"What the.." he started to speak but then he felt himself being grabbed by the throat with force. He let out a scream of pain and fear. Someone broken in, probably to steal something but now the intruder knows people are awake and home. The intruder held a gun to Danny's head and tears were going down Danny's face. He tried to break free of this guys grip but the guy was a lot stronger than he was.

 "Please.. Please let go.." he cried out still trying to break free and Peter came running down the stairs.

 "Get off of him!" Peter yelled in fear and tried to save Danny but the intruder quickly pointed the gun at Peter and shot him multiple times. 

Danny screamed and cried from so much fear seeing his brother fall to the ground. "PETER!! NO!!" he screamed and shortly after he got shot multiple times as well and the intruder pushed him to the ground and he collapsed. His ears were ringing from the loud noise from the gun. His vision was blurry, he tried to get a look at the intruder. 

"Peter..." he quietly spoke and passed out. They were both bleeding out a lot as they both laid on the ground. The intruder quickly went back to stealing some things like expensive things they had and money they had lying around. Well one of their neighbors must have heard the gun shot and called 911. Police sirens and ambulances were heard in the distance which made the intruder flee from the home. Leaving the young boys for dead.

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