Chapter 10

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Alice was outside Danny's room as she sat down on the floor and cried into her knees that were pressed against her chest. She was shocked tears were still going down her face. She didn't think she had any tears left to cry after all the crying she's been doing. She never saw Danny so angry and upset. Sure there were days he was sad but nothing like this. This was also the first time she's ever heard him yell and it was scary. She tried not to take it personally though, he just found out his brother, his best friend, his only family he ever had is gone. She didn't know how she would react in his shoes. Eventually she finally stopped crying and stood up from the ground. She wiped her knees that were covered in dirt from sitting on the floor and then she noticed, she was in pajamas, she has been this whole time. With everything that's happened she didn't even realize she hasn't gotten dressed yet. She peaked into his bedroom and saw that he was still sleeping from the medicine he was injected with. She needed a break, some fresh air. 

She headed out of the hospital and stopped and looked at the sky. It was a very sunny day and the breeze was nice on her face. She needed that, she felt better already. She walked around the parking lot trying to remember where she parked her car, hitting the alarm button on her keys so she could find it. She then spotted it next to a tree and headed over to her car and got in the drivers seat and drove home. She grabbed a bag, being that she would be staying with Danny in the hospital until he was better. She grabbed a few pairs of clothes, a phone charger, her laptop, and everything she needed. She decided to quickly shower to recharge herself. Once she was done with that she blow dried her hair and changed into comfy clothes. Just a purple t shirt and black shorts. She didn't need to wear anything fancy. 

Alice's mom was watching her get her bags and everything from the entrance of the bedroom, being that she left the door open.

 "Honey.. Is everything okay?" her mother asked in a concerned tone. Alice looked at her mom and once again tears went down her face. She ran over to her mom and hugged her as she cried. 

"Oh sweetie.. Its going to be okay.. I heard what happened.. How is he doing?" her mother asked. Alice shook her head. 

"Terrible mom... I mean he's healing physically.. but mentally.." she stated.

 "I understand.. This is going to be so hard.. But remember, just be there for him, that's all you can do right now" her mother responded with a comforting tone. Alice nodded and wiped her tears away. 

"I better go, I want to get there before he wakes up" she stated and hugged her mom once more before heading out the door. 

Once she arrived back at the hospital she went straight to the cafeteria, getting a meal for the both of them, incase he was hungry, and two water bottles for the both of them and headed to his room. She slowly entered the room, again not knowing what she was going to walk in to. She saw his eyes were open.

 "Oh you're awake" she stated and put her bag down next to her chair, and put the food and water on the table beside his bed and sat down on the chair. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked. "Tired.." he told her, which was a side effect from his medicine he got injected with. It made him relax and tired. She kissed his hand and looked at him. 

"Why not try to get some rest, I got you food if you're hungry, or do you want water?" she asked and he shook his head slightly. He looked up at the ceiling as tears went down his face. 

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have pushed you.." Danny spoke and Alice immediately cut him off. 

"Its okay, I'm okay, its very understandable" she told him and he shook his head.

 "There's no excuse for violence.. Ever.. I'm sorry.." he apologized and she sat down on the bed and kissed his forehead. 

"You're not like that terrible man, I know what you're thinking, get that thought out of your head right now" she told him and wiped his tears away. "All you need to think about right now is getting better okay?" she told him and kissed his hand.

 "I will.. Once I'm able to see Peter.." Danny stated.

 "Danny.. I really don't think you're allowed to.. You're hooked up to so many wires.. And you're injured.. And.." she went on naming all the reasons why he cant go see him. 

"Please Alice.. You need to get me there.. You need to help me.." he begged. Alice let out a small sigh and looked at him and over at the door. 

"I'll talk to the doctor okay?" she told him. She wasn't sure if any good would come out of it, but if it gave him some form of relief right now she needed to do it. She could see the relief that came over Danny hearing those words. His whole body seemed to relax, even more than it was being on medicine. She stood up from her chair and walked out of the room searching for the Doctor. She circled around what felt like the whole hospital and what felt like for hours. Eventually she ended up finding him.

 "Oh! Excuse me!" she called out and jogged up to the doctor. "I'm Alice, you're taking care of my boyfriend Danny" she explained. 

"Yes of course, how can I help you?" the doctor asked. 

"Well.. You see.. Danny's really upset about finding out about his brother.. And he really wants to see him.. I feel like it would be good to give him some form of closure.." she stated. "Do you think he could see him?" she asked. 

"I'm not sure.. He really should be in bed healing" the doctor stated. 

"Please.. He's not going to get any better if he's thinking about his brother.. Eventually he'll try getting to him on his own and he'll be in a worst state.." she added. The doctor thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. 

"Okay, Okay fine, But it has to be quick, I'll go get a wheelchair for him" the doctor stated and Alice felt relief hit her body. 

"Thank you!" she called out and quickly went back to Danny's room. 

"Okay you can see him, the doctors getting you a wheelchair, but it has to be quick cause you need to be in bed" she explained. Danny felt such relief that he gets to see his brother. 

"Thank you so much" he told her. Soon the doctor came into the room with a wheelchair. He got Danny's equipment on a moveable stand which they could take with them and helped Danny get into the wheelchair with the help of another nurse. Danny held in the feelings of pain from being moved, he didn't want to go back in the bed and miss seeing Peter. His body relaxed once he was in the wheelchair and the Doctor pushed the wheelchair out of the room and down the hallway towards the morgue, with Alice following behind. Soon they arrived at the morgue. 

"Okay were here, I just want you to remember what you're walking into, take a moment okay?" the doctor explained.

 Danny and Alice both took a deep breath. Danny looked at the doctor giving him the okay to bring him in the room. The doctor saw the okay and wheeled him into the morgue, bringing him over to this bed that Peter was laying on. He was covered up with a blanket from head to toe. Once Danny was next to the body the doctor removed the sheet from Peters face and stepped back letting him have his moment. Danny looked at his brother laying there, his chest wasn't moving, which meant no heart beat. He grabbed Peters hand which was cold and tears went down his face. 

"No... No.. You cant be dead.. This cant be real.." he spoke to himself. His voice was very shaky. He rested his head next to Peters body as he hysterically cried. 

"This is all my fault.. I should have stayed in my room.. I should have saved you.. I should have.." he was cut off by his own hysterical cries. Alice gently wrapped her arms around him as tears went down her face as well. 

"Its not your fault Danny, Its not, I'm so sorry.." she told him as they both cried. The doctor gave them a few minutes before he walked over. 

"We really need to get you back to bed" the doctor stated. Danny continued to look at Peter, still holding his hand.

 "I love you.." he told Peter as he cried. The doctor slowly pulled Danny's wheelchair away from Peter, which made Danny slowly lose the grip of Peters hand. He covered his face with his hands as he hysterically cried, leaning back in the wheelchair, as the doctor wheeled him out of the room. Alice followed behind them and wiped her tears away as they fell. She took one last look at Peter before exiting the room with the doctor and Danny. 

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