Chapter 9

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Alice walks down the hallway passing different rooms that people were in. Some weren't as serious, just regular illness or broken bones. She passed by some rooms that were open seeing an old man sleeping in bed. Another room was a person that seemed to be in their 30s with family around them. She sighed as she continued to walk down the hallway. She started to think about how every person has their own story, like the people that are in the hospital right now. She wondered what brought them here, how certain things happen in our lives and eventually we get to this point. She didn't understand why Danny's life was like this, how he got thrown so many obstacles. She believed everything happens for a reason, but what reason is there for this to happen? She was alone with her thoughts until she found the room number Danny was in.

 She leaned against the wall next to the door and took a deep breath. She didn't know what she would be walking in to and she had to stay strong for him. She wiped some tears from her face that fell from her eyes and opened the door to his room and walked inside and closing the door behind her. Danny still hasn't woken up yet, he had breathing tubes in his nose to help give him oxygen. His arm had lots of needles in it that connected to the equipment that was next to the bed. It was helping make sure his blood didn't clot and that his breathing was okay. The heart monitor showed that he was doing okay and that everything was under control for the time being and hopefully it stayed that way. He was wearing a hospital gown and was tucked in under the covers just covering below his waist. He had a bruise around his neck that formed from the intruder holding him tightly, and there was bandages on his shoulder, his stomach, and waist area but the only bandaged that could be seen by her was the shoulder. Her heart broke seeing him in this condition. Her eyes filled with tears but tried her best to not cry. 

She took the seat that was near the bed and moved it closer to him and sat down. She lightly grabbed his hand and stroked it lightly with her thumb. He had his own room which was nice, they had their own space. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm so glad you're okay.. Were going to get through this together.. I love you.." she told him and laid her head down on the bed, still holding his hand as tears went down her face.

 Eventually she fell asleep with her head still resting on his bed and her hand still on his. With all the crying and stress she was exhausted. 

A few hours go by and Danny thankfully starts waking up. Its a very good sign which means his body is doing well. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks a lot trying to get his eyes to adjust to everything. The hospital room was bright with the certain lights the hospital uses and the white room makes the light attach to it. His vision was slightly blurry from being on pain medicine and he felt weird. He lost a good amount of blood and he was considered dead for a few minutes. Any body that went through the trauma like this wouldn't be the same for a little bit. He looked around the room trying to get himself to realize where he was or what happened, he was trying to remember. It was like when you go on vacations and you stay in a hotel room. You wake up and for those few moments you're confused about where you are, being in a non familiar place. He tried to sit up but groaned slightly, feeling the wires and Iv's connected to him and the feeling of having stitches. 

Alice heard him move and make noises which made her sit up fairly quickly and look at him. "Oh my gosh you're awake" she looked at him and kissed his cheek. Danny looked at her confused for a few moments and she lightly stroked his cheek.

 "Its okay.. Everything's okay.. I'm here" she spoke in a quiet comforting tone. She didn't want him scared or confused. She wanted him to know that everything was going to be okay. 

Danny looked into her eyes and he felt so much comfort seeing her. "Alice.. What.. Where am I?" He asked. His voice was raspy from waking up and from pain in his throat from being held there tightly.

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