Chapter 15

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Alice and their friends left school a little bit before the last period of the day was over. They skipped their sports and clubs to get to Danny's home before he did. Luckily Alice had a spare key that Danny gave her, so she could come and go whenever she wanted when she pleased. Alice unlocked the front door and they went inside, closing the door behind them and locking it. They sat down in the living room and started going over there plan on what to do and how they were going to handle this.

Danny finished his last class, being wasted of course. He wasn't going to practice like he hasn't been and headed home. He arrived home shortly and unlocked the front door and walked into his home closing the door behind him. He looked in front of him and saw all his friends sitting there.

 "Uh what the fuck?" he asked and walked closer to all of them.

 "Sit down" Gabby told him.

 "Why am I sitting down?" he asked. 

Alice stood up and touched his shoulder. "Please?" she asked. 

Danny sighed and took a seat next to Alice. "Okay I'm sitting what is going on?" he asked. 

"Danny.. Were worried about you, you're not acting like yourself, you need to stop drinking" Alice told him. 

Danny chuckled annoyingly at her. "Who are you guys to tell me what to do?" he asked. "You guys are over reacting I'm fine" he advised them.

 "Danny you're not fine" Alex told him. "You never drank like this before, you're acting out, you're not playing football, what is going on?" Alex asked. 

"Nothing is going on! Jesus! Cant we just relax and I don't know, go in the pool or something?" Danny stood up and Alex grabbed one of Danny's water bottle.

 "Okay tell me this than, you don't have a problem, than why are you putting vodka in a water bottle?" Alex asked which made Danny become quiet.

 "I..." Danny started to speak, he didn't know what to say. 

"Exactly! You're trying to hide that you're drinking but its obvious" Alex told him.

 "I don't need to deal with this" Danny decided and grabbed his water bottle and started to walk away from everyone. 

"Danny please.." Alice started to speak. 

"Danny just sit and talk with us" Brandon told him. 

"You think Peter would want you acting like this??" Alex called out which made Danny immediately stop walking. 

"What the fuck did you just say?" Danny asked. 

"You heard me! You think Peter would be happy right now??" Alex asked. 

Danny angrily walked back over to him. "You have no right to talk about him!" Danny yelled.

 "I can talk about whoever the fuck I want! He would be disappointed!" Alex yelled. 

"Alex maybe that's enough..." Gabby told him. 

"No he would be! You lived and he didn't, he risked his life for you and this is how you repay him??" Alex yelled. 

Danny immediately punched Alex in the face and they started having a full blown fight. Alex wasn't hitting him, he was just doing what he could to make sure he didn't get hurt as much as possible. Alice, Gabby, and Brandon immediately stood up when Danny punched him. Brandon pulled Danny off him and Alice and Gabby checked on Alex. Alex nodded letting them know he's okay. Alex's mouth was bleeding but it wasn't horrible. 

"LET ME GO!" Danny yelled at Brandon. 

"Look at yourself Danny! Look!" Brandon told him, still holding him. 

Slowly Danny started to calm down. He looked at Alex who had a bloody lip. He saw the concern looks he was getting from Alice and Gabby, and he saw Brandon holding him. He looked over at his bar that had empty water bottles scattered around and empty alcohol bottles. Danny slowly fell to the ground which made Brandon let him go. Danny covered his face and started hysterically crying. Brandon rubbed his back and Alice came over and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a big hug as tears filled her eyes. Gabby sat down next to Alice and Alex wiped his bloody mouth and sat down across from Danny. They all sat there silently for a little bit, just letting Danny cry it out. Eventually he calmed down. 

"I'm.. I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry.." Danny apologized to Alex with a shaky voice. 

"Its okay Danny, I said what I did to get a reaction.. But talk to us.." Alex told him. 

Alice continued to rub Danny's back. "We all love you Danny.. No matter what, Were always going to be here" Alice informed him. 

Danny hesitated for awhile.

 "I lost my best friend.. My only family.. I cant move on from it.. I want my brother.. And there's nothing I can do about it, he's just gone." he told them. "I cant stop thinking about him.. Every second of everyday I'm thinking about him, and that horrible night and just things that happened before that in my life that only Alice knows.. Drinking makes it better.. I feel good when I'm drinking.. I.. I don't want to stop.." Danny admitted to them.

 "I know how hard it is Danny.. But Peter wouldn't want you to be sad like this, drinking your life away.. He would want you to move on and live your life for him.." Alice told him. 

"Exactly, its going to take some time but well be here to always support you" Gabby added. 

"There's other things you can do besides drinking.. Keep yourself busy with friends and football" Brandon told him. 

Danny listened to all of them and nodded. "I.. I just don't know if I can stop.." he uttered. 

"I think you should go to rehab, they'll get you off all this and help you through this, therapy and medicine, it will help" Alice told him.

 Alex and the rest of them nodded in agreement. 

"Please go to rehab.. for us.. for Peter.." Alice communicated. Danny looked at her and wiped his tears away. 

"I want to get better.. I need to keep fighting.." he agreed and they all group hugged each other.

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