Chapter 12

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Danny and Alice hung out with their friends. As time went on Danny got drunker and drunker. His friends laughed seeing Danny drunk. It was pretty entertaining to them. Danny was always the life of the party, and he was even more like that being drunk. Alice shook her concern aside and just enjoyed the time with her friends. Eventually it got late and everyone headed home, but of course Alice was sleeping over. She didn't want to leave Danny alone, being he was drunk and this would be the first night back at home. Alice started cleaning up around the house, throwing away the empty pizza boxes and the can of empty beer bottles. She grabbed the wine bottle that was now empty and threw everything out in the garbage. Danny still had a glass of wine, his last glass since it was empty as he stumbled around the house. He finished his glass and fell to the ground laughing as he did. Alice heard the thud and came over to make sure he was okay and saw he was laughing. She took the empty glass from him and put it aside.

 "Come on, now its time for bed" she told him sternly as she grabbed his hand, helping him stand up as best as she could. She had to use all her muscles since he was a lot heavier than she was, and him being intoxicated didn't help. She eventually got him to stand and she had him wrap his arms around her and she wrapped her arms around him. She helped him walk up each step carefully until they got to his bedroom. She sat him down on the bed and he flopped backwards onto the bed laughing. She took a few deep breaths, trying to catch her breath, it was a workout trying to get him around. People always say drunk people are so much fun, this isn't fun. She helped him take his shoes off and his shirt since he always slept shirtless, she wanted to make him as comfortable as she could. When she took his shirt off she noticed the scars from the bullet holes and surgery which made her sad but she quickly looked away. He looked over at her and smiled.

"You're sooooo prettttyyy" he slurred his speech. 

"And so are you, now close your eyes" she told him and he closed his eyes. 

"Aliceeee" he groaned and sat up. "Everything is spinning..." he told her and quickly covered his mouth. 

Alice ran to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom, grabbing the garbage can that's in there and bringing it to him as he started throwing up. She sighed and rubbed his back as he threw up. She hoped this would be the last time he ever drank like this. The hangover he has tomorrow will definitely be a reminder to him, well that's what she hoped. Time went on and eventually he stopped throwing up. She took the garbage can from him and helped him lay back down and he immediately passed out. Alice sighed with relief and changed into her pajamas that she had here and fell asleep next to him, wrapping her arms around him.

The next morning..

Alice slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, getting them adjusted to the sun. She looked to her side seeing Danny was still asleep. She grabbed her phone that was on the table next to the bed. The time was 8:20am. Alice was usually an early riser, she usually woke up earlier. Unlike Danny who usually woke up at 10:30am. Alice stood up from the bed and went downstairs and started making breakfast for the two of them. Danny didn't eat much last night so she assumed he was going to be hungry. She started getting everything prepared. She made pancakes, eggs, and toast. Once everything finished cooking she set it on two plates for the both of them and poured the both of them some orange juice. 

Danny surprisingly woke up, mostly from the feeling of a hangover. He groaned and put a pillow over his head trying to go back to sleep but he couldn't. He let out a sigh and sat up in bed holding his head. Danny stood up from his bed and went into the bathroom attached to his room and looked in the medicine cabinet. He found some Advil and took some of that hoping it would help with the headache. He closed the medicine cabinet and looked at himself in the mirror. He noticed his scars and lightly touched them. He started thinking about what happened all over again. He quickly shook his head to try and get those thoughts away. He walked back into his bedroom and put on a shirt so he could cover the scars and headed downstairs. Alice just finished making breakfast. She looked over at Danny and smiled. 

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