Chapter 11

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Danny was back in his room, back to being hooked up to all the equipment he needed. Time goes on and he slowly gets better physically. Friends came by occasionally bringing balloons and snacks and some stuffed animals. They never really stayed long, just dropping in to say hello. Alice was the only one that stayed day and night, not leaving his side. Danny went through a lot with his physical problems, the loss of his brother, and of course the trauma he went through. The doctor suggested seeing a therapist but Danny denied it. Eventually Danny's stitches were removed and he was able to be discharged from the hospital. Alice brought him a change of clothes that she had at her home from sleepovers they had. It was a blue hoodie and grey sweatpants. Alice wore a pink t shirt and black shorts. Danny finished signing his discharged papers and they got into Alice's car and headed back to his home. Danny looked out the window as she drove, looking at all the buildings and people that they drove past. He was very quiet. Alice didn't even know what to say to him, this was the first time he would be going home without Peter.

 "Hey why don't you sleep over at my home for a few days? My mom won't mind and there's a guest room" she explained trying to figure out a way to help.

 "No it's fine, I'll be fine going home" he reassured her.

 "Are you sure?" she asked. Danny nodded to reassure her. 

Soon they arrived at his home, she parked her car and they both got out. Danny stood there just glancing at his home, there was still police tape around it from when the cops were here. He went over to it and wrapped the tape and crumbled it up and threw it in the nearby garbage. Alice watched him and went over to him and rubbed his back. 

"Let's just go inside" he told her sternly as he unlocked the front door to his home and walked inside. 

Danny looked around his home, it felt really weird being back. It didn't feel the same, it felt like a sunny day was ripped away by a huge tornado. He walked over to the living room, the room where the incident took place. The window was repaired and the crime scene was cleaned up, it looked like nothing happened but he knew it did. He remembered everything like it was happening again. The pain he felt, the emotions, everything. His body begin to tremble. Alice walked over to Danny and touched his back which made him flinch. 

"Hey it's just me.. it's okay.." she reassured him. "Why don't we go into a different room.." she grabbed his hand and slowly brought him into the kitchen, having him sit down. 

"Why don't I make us some food? You're probably hungry and sick of that hospital food right?" she chuckled trying to cheer him up.

 "Yeah I'm not really hungry.. I'm just going to go to sleep, I'm tired" he told her and got up from his seat and went into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

 Alice sighed and looked around the kitchen, she was now alone. This was going to be a lot harder than she thought, she didn't know what to do. Maybe over time it would get better, everything's still so fresh. Alice took out her phone and went into her text messages. Danny and her were in a group chat with all their friends but she made a private one that didn't include Danny. 
"Hey guys, Danny isn't doing well, he's still really upset, I want to do something to help cheer him up, maybe a party?" she texted everyone.
"Party sounds great! I'll bring over pizza"
Brandon: "dibs on beer!"
Gabby: "I'm bringing wine, can't taste that nasty shit 🤮 ooh and I'll bring candy!"
Heather: "I'll just bring myself I guess.. 😂"

Alice smiled at her messages. They both had such good friends. Maybe a party would be a good distraction and lighten his mood. Alice started to clean up the place before they arrived and soon she heard a knock at the door. She went over to it and unlocked it and let everyone in. Alex had a few boxes of pizza. Brandon and Gabby had some alcoholic beverages. Everyone has arrived. Alice helped them set up everything on the kitchen table and went upstairs to Danny's room and knocked on the door before she entered. 

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