Prologue - The Beginning of the Adventure

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Hello, and welcome to my brand new Merlin Fanfiction. I have been obssessed with this show ever since I watched it with my family, and this idea has been in my head for over a year. Feel free to comment any of your suggestions, but please be nice about it. I have been writing this for over 10 months now and am very excited to share it with you all. There are plans for a sequel, but please don't get your hopes for it being any time soon, as I would like to work on some other fanfics for a little bit.

If you like this story then please go and check out the other ones on my account, including another Arthur Pendragon story which some of you might like if you enjoy this story.

Lastly, nothing, other than Amara and her storyline, belong to the me, everything else belongs to the BBC. 

I wiped the light sweat that had gathered on my forehead, off. I looked up at the sun, which was giving off an extreme heat, this was terrible for the crops growing in this field. There was no way that we could get enough in for the winter if the crops were all dead by tomorrow. Even so, I kept on soiling them, and ensuring they had enough water, picking the ones that had already fully grown.

I was starting to think that taking on an apprenticeship with the town's lead farmer wasn't my mother's best idea, but at least it meant that I had some way of getting a job when I was older. I didn't mind learning all about how plants and things worked, and Matthew, the main farmer, was really kind, as was his fiancee, but I didn't really want to do this for the rest of my life.

A sharp pain pulled me from my thoughts and I gasped at it. I should have been used to it by now, it happened often enough. Sharp pains have always coursed through my back, usually between my shoulder blades. I'd had it since I was a child, but they had been getting stronger as I started getting older. The town Physician couldn't understand what was happening, I was perfectly healthy, yet my body was causing me to get these pains.

My mother and brother worried for me, but I told them that I could handle it at the moment. My brother was a year older than me, and was really protective of me. The only boy who was allowed near me was his best friend, Will, but I still talked with others when he wasn't around.

There were very few people in the village I would go over to and start up a conversation with, I was a very shy person, and only liked talking with people if they spoke with me first. This was just natural, it was strange, considering my brother was quite different. He had no problem with being heard by many, although that almost always got him into trouble.

I looked around me, and saw that I was almost at the end of the field. I was so glad. I had been out there all morning, and couldn't wait to get inside and eat something. I poured the remaining water over the last of the plants, and grabbed a few of their produce. I grabbed the basket I had managed to gather and set on my way back to the village. Our village was a small one on the edge of Cenred's kingdom. He was an arrogant King, who didn't care much for the smaller villages, such as ours. Occasionally knights would pass through on the way to the border to protect them, or to get to the kingdom next to ours, Camelot.

I had often wondered what it would be like in Camelot. Mother had spoken of it often, and it sounded beautiful. There was apparently a large castle in the middle, where a fair and honest King lived with his son and ward. She also knew the court Physician, Gaius, as she had encountered him while she was there, and they now sent letters often. I always wanted to see it, but knew it would never happen. There was no way I would leave mother here. And Camelot seemed awfully big for someone so small to live in, I just wouldn't fit in with nobles and courtier's. There were commoners there, but they were still quite rich, due to the trade market in Camelot. People paid more for things, so they made more money there.

There was a slight rustle from beside me, and I turned to face the noise. My heart started racing slightly faster and my hands grew sweaty. I knew there were bandits in this area, and they were known to steal from passers by. My grip on the basket tightened and I prepared myself, in case I had to make a run for it. "Boo!" I jumped at the noise, and dropped the basket I was holding. I screamed at the sudden noise and held my hand to my heart, from the shock of two boys jumping from within the bushes.

I could hear them start to laugh as I caught my breath. I looked up at the pair of them, and glared at the two boys. One was wearing all brown, and had a cheeky grin on his face, the other had brown pants and jacket, a blue shirt and a red neckerchief, who was also laughing, but wore a sympathetic smile. "Merlin! I told you not to do that, you scared me to death, I thought you were going to rob me." My brother looked up at me, and sent me an apologetic look. "Sorry 'Mara, it was pretty funny, though." He said, laughing again.

"Shut up, or I'll take your neckerchief and put it somewhere you'll never find it." I threatened. Merlin straightened up, knowing I wasn't joking. It was strange how attached the boy was to this simple accessory. Will, the other boy, snorted, but stopped when Merlin hit him. "Sorry Amara, come on, we'll carry these back for you." He offered. I smiled at his kindness and nodded, handing him the basket of food. The three of us then started to make our way back to the village.

When we got there I let the boys go, and I delivered the basket to Matthew, promising Merlin I would be home soon. I then found myself walking back through the village, waving to people occasionally. When I got home I found my mother cooking on the fire. And Merlin was sitting at the table, playing with the cup of water in his hands. I was about to clear my throat to announce my presence, but I tripped on the hem of my dress. Merlin turned around and I just caught his eyes turning gold before I stopped mid-air, and stood back up.

I narrowed my eyes at my brother, not liking what he'd just done. He was born with magic and used it at random times. He couldn't control it yet, but I knew he would. Although, using it was dangerous and could get you killed if you weren't careful, because of Cenred's close alliance with Camelot. Whose ruler, King Uther, was scared of magic and deemed it all evil. Mother didn't seem to notice, otherwise Merlin would have been told off by now. Merlin motioned for me to keep quiet, and I nodded as mother sat down by the table. I sat with them, and started to eat my lunch. Mother was unusually quiet, not asking me how my day had been, and I found out why after we had both finished eating.

"I'm sending you two to Camelot. I have already sent word ahead to the court physician, you shall stay with him while you are there. Merlin, it will be safer, and Amara, Gaius is the best physician I have ever met, he might know what's happening to you.'' Mother said in a solemn voice. Both me and Merlin looked at her in shock. I could see that Merlin was also excited, but I was just worried, Mother sounded as though she had no intention to come with us. She would be left here alone. But no matter how much we objected, she wished for us to go and wouldn't change her mind. So that's what led to us leaving for Camelot, without her. And I had no clue what was about to happen.

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