Interlude - Mother

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I smiled as Gaius handed me a small piece of parchment. It had my name on it, and I could already tell from the handwriting that it was from my mother. I quickly tore into it, as Gaius handed a similar piece to Merlin. I smiled as my eyes flickered over the familiar writing.

'My dearest Amara,

I do hope that you are having a wonderful time in Camelot, it truly is a beautiful city. I've heard that you have become Gaius's apprentice, and I'm very proud of you. I miss you and your brother so much, and I hope that you aren't getting into too much trouble. Young Will also misses both of you, and has been a good help these past few months. I hope all is well and will continue to be. I was thinking of visiting you soon, it would be great to see you again.

Love, Mother.'

I smiled as I re-read the letter from mother, my eyes glossing over. I missed her so much. I felt an arm around my shoulder and looked up to find Merlin. He pulled me closer then kissed the top of my head. "I've got to go to work, I'll see you later." He whispered as he placed his letter in his pocket before heading out the door. I folded the piece of parchment in my hand before placing it in my own pocket, my fingers brushing against the other piece of parchment that belonged there.

"Gaius, do you mind if I have the morning off, I was going to go for a walk." I said, looking at the old man, who nodded and I walked out the door. I walked through the castle and off in the opposite direction to the town, and into the forest. I walked through the trees, my mind wandering through everything that had happened over the past few months since Merlin and I had come to Camelot.

We had made so many friends, and also lost a few too, I thought sadly. I reached the top of the hill and sat down against a tree that overlooked the castle. I sighed and pulled out the other letter from my pocket. I smiled at the now familiar handwriting that belonged to Lancelot. I read the letter again, but I didn't need to, I already knew it by heart.

"Are you alright." A familiar soft voice spoke, making me jump. I turned and let a small smile fall onto my face when I realised it was Arthur. He came over and sat down beside me, looking over at the castle. "I'm fine... I just miss my mother." I said, looking at the prince, who gave me a sympathetic look. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

"It must be hard, without either of your parents here in Camelot, I couldn't imagine what I would do without my father." He said, and I looked at him. "It's been difficult, and I sometimes hate that I ever left her, but I love it here in Camelot, Merlin's here, and Morgana, and Gwen. And you." I said, looking down at my feet, heat rising into my cheeks.

I dared a look at Arthur who was looking slightly sheepish. "I don't mean to pry, but I've been wondering about your father. I've never heard you nor Merlin ever mention him, only your mother." I looked down at my feet and sighed. I guess I should probably talk to someone about him.

"It's alright, we don't talk about him a lot. He left when Merlin was only a few months old, our mother didn't even get a chance to tell him she was pregnant with me. When I was younger I always wanted to know about him, but whenever I brought up the topic, mother got really sad, and I couldn't bear to see her like that so I stopped asking. I also asked Merlin if he remembered anything, but all he has is a face, and nothing else, so I gave up trying to find out who he was."

I said, not looking at Arthur, not wanting any sympathy from him on this matter. I had come to accept that I would never know who my father was, and I didn't need him, having my mother was alright. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked at the prince. "Well, your mother has done a wonderful job raising you by herself, although I think something happened to Merlin." The prince joked, and we both chuckled.

His Guardian Angel (An Arthur Pendragon Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora