Best of the worst

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Best of the worst



Please note that in this chapter there contains frightening and intense scenes that may be upsetting to some!

Murder, Suicide, and Gore, is mentioned in this chapter! if any of this bothers you I reccomend skipping this chapter.


 There was something wrong with him, he always felt that, always knew it.

But new blood running through his veins multiplied the feeling by thousands.

He craved so much, he needed so much, yet all he could do was lay there in pain.

His stomach clenched in a new feeling of ultimate hunger, his lengthened fangs begged him to go find something living and to sink his into its flesh until it no longer moved with life like he once did.

Everything was red to him now, and he knew he was damned.

Christopher couldn’t stand the feeling of sweat soaked sheets any longer so he forced himself to move into the bathroom, feeling nauseous.

He was caught off guard as he passed the mirror and there was no reflection.

Another perk of being a full blooded vampire, he thought sarcastically.

But the more he looked at the mirror the angrier he got.

He placed his hand upon the human made glass and glared at it, still no reflection, he doesn’t understand why this room has a human mirror rather a vampire crafted mirror, and then he would be able to see himself.

He wondered if he looked different, now.

He glared harder at the mirror as if it would change into a vampire mirror with just a look, but of course that was not the case.

And he just couldn’t help the grief that ripped through him when the mirror suddenly shattered; he didn’t mean to do that, didn’t know he could.

With an angry huff he walked out of his room to head down to the attic (that was basically just another floor), knowing that’s where they kept all of the fresh blood before moving it down to the cellar.

He crept quietly through the dark halls, legs slightly weak in the knees; he didn’t know if it was from just being turned, or from the starving feeling in his stomach.

As he reached the stairway to the attic he noticed something odd.

He smelt someone up there, and it was strong.

Sure he had a heightened sense of smell when he was a half vampire but this was on another level.

He smelt the sweet smell of roses and crisp pears become clearer as he crept quietly up the rickety attic stairs.

The attic was dark, only lit by the moon shining in from the small attic window.

Christopher didn’t spot anyone as he entered the attic, but he could definitely smell another person other than whoever smelt like roses.

This new scent smelt like fancy linens and the woods after it rained; definitely weird.

He scanned the room once more to make sure no one was in sight before he fully entered the attic and made his way to a shelf of freshly bottled blood.

He shivered as he grabbed a bottle that was warm; it was fresh.

It was like something predatory came completely over him and he was gulping down bottle after bottle, and it was like something he never felt before, it was so exhilarating.

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