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Trigger warning: Mentions of death

 "There's really nothing we could possibly do to wake her, she's completely brain dead, but since Hunter is her next of kin we are forced to keep her on the ventilator per his request" The doctor explained a bit frustrated to the group of grim faced people.

Well mostly grim faced, that angel and demon stood in the corner hovering completely blank faced; Drake didn't trust them for a second.

They obviously knew something like this was going to happen but they did nothing to prevent it what so ever. A life has gone to waste because they wouldn't step in when no one else could.

"That's bullshit, he shouldn't be able to handle her affairs from prison" Nick scoffed but no one really a turned a head at his comment.

"What about the boy, Christopher?" Drake asked.

The doctor's whole expression changed completely and some of his colleagues definitely sat up straighter.

"In shock but something else quite... unusual has occurred" The doctor raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking for a bit of privacy.

"Go ahead" Drake ordered, trusting that if he needs to hear then council might as well.

The doctor cleared his throat "He's somehow contracted the rose through her, as if in her last moments she transplanted the gift into his veins; their completely black all over his body, and I'm not sure if his body is accepting it completely" Drake sat back in his chair perplexed, he definitely has never heard of the rose being transplanted into anyone, it's almost always inherited through bloodline or pure luck.

"I definitely want to keep an eye on him for a few days. If his body rejects the rose he'll die, if he doesn't, well, I'm not sure what will happen but I imagine it'll be quite extraordinary" The doctor gave a curt nod before exiting the room leaving the room to quietly murmur opinions.

Drake will definitely have to pass this onto Sonee, he's sure she's worried sick.

Drake cleared his throat as he stood up from his chair and patiently waited for the whispers to stop.

"Tonight we lost someone very important to us, very important to our kind, and my heart aches but we must take care of the matters at hand immediately such as finding the next heir to the rose kingdom" Murmurs arose throughout the room again.

"Please," He motioned for silence "I know the next heir must be very young as the queen has 'died' eighty years early of the due length of her ruling but we must pursue whomever it is no matter the age" Drake sat back down with an air of intensity in the room.

"How are you we supposed to know who the next heir is when only the queen knew and is now unable to tell us who it is?" Cupid spoke up, looking rather shaken himself.

"She had to have documented it somewhere, hell, maybe hunter knows, but its somewhere it has to be" It's law for all current queen's in ruling must choose the next in line for the throne and must document it immediately, he knows it is out there somewhere.

"Send someone to question Hunter and to search every inch of their home for the documentation of the heir immediately" He told the guard who stood behind him, whom immediately left the room.

"As for Christopher, if he shall survive the rose, I'll leave it to Nick to decide what he wishes to do" Drake proposed, and they all stood.

"All in favor of the responsibility of the case of Christopher Drylander to be handed to Nick rose say I" The whole room raised one hand and said 'I' in unison.

Sirena's Song (Sequel to A Night with Dracula)Where stories live. Discover now