In Front of Me

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 Drake probably hasn't slept for at least forty eight hours, it's official.

How could he?

From dealing with the council, to his brother being deathly ill, or to his fiance whom had been hooking up with said brother days before their wedding.

He had to make a decision, and soon, if he still wanted to go on with the wedding, to trust Alesandra that she won't do this with anyone much less his brother, again.

It hurts to think about her with him but he almost thinks it hurts more to think about not being with her.

He could hardly stand to think about it anymore so he was eternally grateful when someone had knocked on the door to his office.

"Come in" He called out, leaning back with a sigh in his chair behind his desk.

The door opened halfway when no other than Sonee Rave poked her head in, eyes settling on him until she fully entered the room, as if she was checking to make sure it was him.

"Sorry if I interrupted you" She apologized as she shut the door behind her and hesitantly walked towards the desk.

"You're fine" Drake motioned her to sit across from him.

She looked pale, probably from lack of sleep or food, maybe even both.

He knew it must be incredibly hard for her with Christopher, sure, he wasn't her real son, in fact, they had only met a week or so ago but he knew she already loved and cared for him like he was her own flesh and blood.

She had a very soft and careful energy, almost like every move could be her last. She's scared. Not of him, but something.

"Is everything ok?" He asked after she had been silent for too long.

"Sonee?" He called gently after she remained silent, almost like she didn't hear him at all.

"Sorry" She shook her head, and when their eyes met he could see the deep swirls of lake blue turning to their original soft brown color.

She was upset but she trying to hide it from him.

"You don't have to hide from me" He even told her, and she nodded slightly.

"Shadow... I'm afraid he's done something unthinkable, and I just can't believe he..." Her breath stuttered off as her sentence did.

"The room is protected. He won't hear you here." Drake reassured her as he caught her eyes darting around the room a bit wildly.

"He bit Christopher against his will" Sonee lip quivered but she did not look close to crying.

"Christopher is terrified of him and I can't imagine what it must have been like for him, to have someone you trust so much, your own family, to hurt you like that" Sonee's fingers were clenching her dress tighter by the second at her knees until she eventually forced herself to press them tightly to the dark wood of the desk.

"Are you scared he'll do the same to you?" Her eyes snapped to his and her mouth parted to speak but nothing came out.

But then a small "Yes" passed through her lips.

She looked back down at her hands like she couldn't believe her own words but also terrified at what might be in store for her.

Drake grasped her hand softly in his from across the desk, fingers twining.

She looked up at him with a curious look, eyes flickering to his and back to their joined hands.

"May I ask you something?" He spoke tentatively and she nodded.

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