Breathing without You

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Hello everyone this will be the sequel to BLISS AND JOHNNY :D

I love them too much to stop writing about them x.x…

Also I left you all on a cliffhanger in the last chapter with them xD

So here it is :D





And most importantly…. ENJOY :D!!!

Chapter three.

Breathing without you.

 It was three weeks after Bliss falling into a venom coma when it happened, Johnny was sitting in the slightly uncomfortable chair falling half asleep when he heard ‘Johnny…’ calling out to him in a raspy whisper.

His eyes snapped open and he thought he was dreaming, until it called again and that’s when he realized there was someone creeping into his mind.

‘Johnny… close your eyes… close your eyes and see me’ A desperate voice called out loudly, but to him it only sounded like a barely there whisper.

“Bliss?” He called out heartbreakingly, gripping her pale hand in his.

‘Close your eyes...’  Johnny couldn’t help it anymore, he was tired, he was curious, and most importantly the voice sounded like Bliss.

So he closed his eyes.

 Suddenly he was crashing into something and his eyes snapped open as he gasped for air.

All around him were daisy’s tons of daisy’s which led him to think he was in a daisy field and when he looked out further he could see mountains with snow on the tips, it was all very lovely… but how did he get here?

 He heard a girl giggling and the sound of someone running through the flowers but he saw nothing.

“Hello?!” He called out to anyone that could hear him.

“Johnny” He heard the voice say, it sounded just like it was in front of him, and when the wind blew he felt finger tips gently rolling down his back.

He quickly turned over to see nothing there, at least not next to him but in the distance he could see a girl wearing a white summer dress with a daisy crown in her white flowing hair, but her back was turned to him.

He quickly got up onto his feet with a stumble and started running to the girl who could possibly be Bliss, he hoped with all his heart that it was.

“Bliss?” He said breathlessly as he got closer, and the woman whirled around quickly.

“Johnny? How did you get here?” Johnny could barely pay attention as he felt himself lunge at the girl he loved so dearly in front of him.

“Bliss… oh god Bliss!” He whispered lovingly, holding her tightly in his arms.

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