Butterflies on the mind.

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  • 点播给 My mom who helped me pick out the name for the sequel :)

Sirena’s Song.

  Chapter two.

Butterflies on the mind.

 Sonee’s heart froze in her chest as soon as she saw the Dracula’s castle coming into view from their vintage carriage window, the very same carriage that whisked Sonee away from her fears.

As they got closer to the castle more and more memories ran through her head, old feelings, old dreams.

“Stop thinking about it, and put up your mind walls, never know who’s listening” Shadow pointed out from across her, his eyes behind his smart looking reading glasses briefly glancing up at her with accusing eyes before returning to writing in his small journal.

“What are you writing about?” She asked, she always asked even though he never told her.

“You’ll see.” Is all he said, not once looking up from his scribbling and scrabbling.

She sighed at this fact, whenever they went out he would never talk to her in the car or in this case carriage.

“Why don’t you talk to me in the cars or carriages?” She blurted out the question that always comes up in her mind when they go out.

Shadow sighed and closed his journal slowly before looking up at her.

“I think when we’re in the car, I make sure we have everything, check on things at home, around home, remind the maids of things I, shockingly, forgot.” He explained and she suddenly felt a little guilty.


“No need, it was a good question” He smiled, which she quickly returned but quickly looked down to her white lace gloved hands in her lap.

“Sonee” Shadow sighed, climbing to sit next to her in the four seated carriage.

“Yes, Shadow” She answered timidly, his breath barely hitting her cheek as he faced her side.

“Don’t worry about anything, I’ll take care of you” Shadow reassured, and she tensed slightly at his gloved hands touching her own.

“I know, how could I forget with you always reminding me” She teased lightly as she faced him, and he squeezed her hand gently.

“Oh shush” He said playfully, but then his face went very serious.

“By the way, you look very beautiful today” Shadow said affectionately, his fingers running down the long sleeve to her light cream and gold stitched dress that showed off her baby bump.

“Thank you.” Sonee answered politely, and he intertwined her right hand with his left with a gentle squeeze.

 Sonee was taking Shadow’s hand as he helped her out of the carriage when she heard the loudest squeal ever that had her freezing up and that could only belong to one person.

“Sonee! Shadow!” Adrianna squealed, running over to us with an annoyed Aaron following her with their baby in his arms.

A lot of heads turned towards them as Adrianna kept squealing, turns out Shadow only erased some of their memories so they still remembered meeting Sonee at the pond but they just thought she was there with Shadow.

Sirena's Song (Sequel to A Night with Dracula)Where stories live. Discover now