Starving for attention

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

Oh btw! Christian name is now Christopher, it was originally Christopher but I couldn’t decide and picked Christian and now I realize Christopher is better so… yeah.

Warning! Minor very little sexual content and language (not gonna be like this everytime I promise)





Sirena’s Song.

Chapter Ten.

Starving for Attention.

 Sonee, Shadow, and Christopher were patiently waiting for their breakfast that morning in one of the smaller dining rooms when another couple and another child around Christopher’s age walked in.

“Hello there” Shadow greeted with a warm smile, standing from his seat.

They were an African American couple with deep skin that looked very smooth and they were dressed to the nines, obviously very wealthy.

But their son who was hiding behind the woman’s poof-y dress seemed to have snow white skin, most likely paler than Christopher who most likely hasn’t seen the sun in a few months.

“Hello, I’m Chaka Malune and this is my wife Caluna, and our adopted son Tristan” The man, Chaka, introduced, his wife waving politely and smiling.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Shadow Drylander, This is my fiancé Sonee Rave and our newly adopted son Christopher” Sonee smiled politely, and Christopher stood frozen staring at the boy behind Caluna’s dress.

Caluna sighed and with a gentle shoved she pushed Tristan in front of her “Go on, say hello to Christopher, Tristan” Caluna said softly, placing her hands on his shoulders reassuringly.

Sirena's Song (Sequel to A Night with Dracula)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant