Drunken Moon

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And most importantly….ENJOY!

Chapter Fifteen.

Drunken Moon.

 Many people were out in the halls that afternoon as Drake walked to Sonee’s room to in fact see what she was doing today as she had asked.

He knew exactly why they were there, and he was just as anxious as they were but he couldn’t focus on that right now especially since no one would find out the news until much later that night.

He was surprised though as he was about to knock on the door to Sonee’s room it opened, and there she was.

Sonee Rave, dressed, powdered, and ready to go.

“I thought I was supposed to ask you before you got ready?” Drake asked boldly.

“True, but I think we both already knew the answer” Sonee smiled at him cheekily as she stepped out of her room, locking the door behind her.

“Will Christopher be joining us today?” Drake asked, nodding to people who waved at them as they passed down the hall.

“No he’s not feeling well” Sonee lied with a pretty smile, and you’ll see why.

The previous night….

 When Tristan finally got to the lake Christopher was already waiting for him, looking haunting underneath the moonlight and staring into the oil black water that reflected nothing but your fears.

The Lake was a fairly large lake in a perfectly circled clearing surrounded by trees, but the thing about the lake was in the day time it would show your hopes and dreams but at night it would show you your greatest fears and nightmares, sometimes even your future.

And that’s why no one is supposed to go around it.

You never know if that’s your future or your own imagination, and that’s what’s terrifying about it.

Is it just a nightmare or is it soon to happen?

It drove many people who had looked into the lake into madness which eventually lead them to create their greatest nightmare themselves just to get it over with, which has led to many murders and deaths.

“Christopher! Don’t look into the water!” Tristan yelled over to him as he ran over to him from the other side of the lake.

As Tristan ran over he briefly looked to his side and into the water where he saw himself being chased by some creature, but when he looked behind him, nothing.

The water was playing tricks on his mind; He mustn’t look back into the water.

“Christopher” Tristan panted as he reached him, but Christopher did not look ever to him, just stared on into the water.

Tristan looked to where Christopher was looking and just saw the reflection of red eyes in the water.

Tristan grabbed Christopher’s shoulder and made him face him.

Christopher’s eyes were a bright red color and he was crying a few tears of blood.

“Christopher” Tristan wiped away the bloody tears off Christopher’s cheeks; Christopher’s fading eyes staring at him as he did so.

“You’re not supposed to look into the water, silly” Tristan scolded as he dragged Christopher under a large tree where a backpack of Christopher’s stuff sat.

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