Fire Alarms (DTH)

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Down the hall.

 Chapter Eleven.

Fire alarms.

Day Fifty-two.

  It's officially almost two months since Leighton adopted Alex, and he can't quite believe it himself.

It feels a bit too surreal, like this was all a dream perhaps but not quite, more like he couldn't believe that he adopted a child who he was now raising and he just can't believe he's survived a month.

He mentioned it to Alex earlier who just scowled and continued eating his sandwich before continuing to paint the last touches to the kitchen walls and cabinets.

Speaking of painting, Leighton had to constantly drive Alex up to the paint shop where Jale, the Cashier, constantly flirted with him and made attempts to steal his phone to steal his number.

Leighton didn't know whether to be annoyed or flattered, but he was verging on annoyed every time Jale squeezed his ass or reached into his pockets in search of his phone, which he made sure to leave in the car every time.

Sometimes Leighton thinks Alex goes extra slow at the shop or read the back of everything just to annoy Leighton even more as Jale pestered him.

Though sometimes Leighton noticed Alex talking to Josh, the other Cashier who he ran into the street not too long ago, Alex would blush furiously at every word Josh would say or every time he accidentally touched him.

 Leighton was surprised when Alex came down one night all dressed up in his non-ripped skinny jeans and a grey button up shirt that made his gold eyes shine.

"Look at you" Leighton wolf whistled and Alex blushed slightly, tugging at his brown leather bracelets that lay next to other colorful ones.

"I was, uh... wondering if I could go out tonight." Alex asked meekly, eyes hopeful.

 Now Leighton was even more surprised.

"You're asking for permission?" Leighton had almost laughed, but didn't taking in Alex's serious expression.

"Yes" Alex huffed.

Leighton smiled brightly and innocently. "With who?"

"A friend" Alex scowled.

"You look a little dressed up to be going out with a friend" Leighton fluttered his eye lashes innocently.

"Look, I'll be back before eleven and I'll call you to let you know I'm safe" Alex explained annoyed, and Leighton was even more surprised than he could've ever been tonight.

"Well, since you asked so nicely... No" Leighton had to bite back his laugh at Alex's surprised and angry expression looking way to cute on him.

"What the hell! I ask nicely before I go out, to get your permission, be home at a reasonable time and you say no?!" Alex was practically seething.

"Tonight's our almost two month anniversary" Leighton pouted, and Alex nearly screamed.

"Screw you!" Alex yelled before turning around and stomping up the stairs and slamming his door loudly.

"Three, two, one" Leighton counted down and the music started blaring through the house loudly.

Leighton huffed slightly before starting on dinner.

Day Fifty-Eight.

 For some reason Alex needed new pencils and canvas that day and he practically begged Leighton to take him to the shop that they seemed to be frequenting more often than Leighton would like.

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