Colder in the Dark

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Warning! Mild language, Nudity and minor sexual content proceed with caution.





Chapter Nine.

Colder in the dark.

 It was just turning dark a day after Alesandras kidnapping, and she was lowering herself into the porcelain white and gold claw styled bathtub, her hair up on top of her hair in lazy waves from yesterday’s shower.

Brake had left her in her room after a light dinner and locked the door saying he’d be back in a few hours.

She knew where he was going; somewhere she didn’t dare to picture.

Brake reminded her of herself a lot, or at least her kind, Vampire hunters were meant to kill, seduce their prey and attack.

She imagined him headed into a place heavily populated with vampires, a list of names in his leather messenger bag next to all his weapons, sharpened perfectly so it would only take one swipe of a blade laced with poison or worse, the cure, and soon after they’d hit the floor lifeless or dragged off to a vampire prison.

It made her wonder if Brake knew she was coming that night, if she was on that list and they were going to take her out, she heard most of vampire hunters had been given the gift of vision, visions of the future or sometimes the past.

She sighed longingly, looking down at her naked body that was covered by bubbles; she looked so much more alive now that she’s fed properly.

Her skin was its original golden tan color instead of that sickly pale,  nails a fresh pink instead of dull grey or blue, her ribs were no longer showing and her stomach was no longer sunk in and showed a barely noticeable formation of abs, she didn’t wish to improve them either.

She wondered about Drake with closed eyes, she wondered if he missed or if he was so mad he could care less if she ever showed her face again, probably the latter.

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