Sunflower Field

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"Hunter Donnavan." The sound resonated in the entire mansion as Hunter's mom came through the main door. Her eyebrows were completely knitted together and as soon as Hunter heard his name being called, he immediately once again got behind me and his face was stuffed in my neck. His hot breath tingling my neck as it was now getting hard for me to stand. Good thing that his hands were tightly wrapped around my waist of I would have been a pile of melted Danny by now.

Julia came and stood in front of me as she tried to look at Hunter but his face was totally stuffed in my neck. I gave Julia a nervous smile.

I told her everything and how it was all my fault but she grabbed only one thing from the entire story.

"How can you even think that Danny will cheat on you. And with her own best friend? Did I raise you with that low of an IQ?" She asked Hunter as his gripped tightened on my waist. His face was now totally buried in my neck.

"I said sorry." He mumbled against my skin. And I fought the urge to move because his lips were now touching my bare shoulders.This guy is completely unknown of the feelings his touch gives me.

I am about to melt like an ice cream sundae in his arms and he doesn't have any idea about it. I looked up at Julia, trying to calm her down with my pleading eyes. I know she was a bit angry. Who wouldn't be if you got a call from your ex-husband at 9. Telling you that your son got cops called at his house. Thank god his father and step mom were out of the town or else it would have been a melted Hunter sundae on the floor by now.

"Young man. I am very disappointed at your actions." Here comes. I held Hunter's hand on my waist to give him all the moral support I could as everyone was looking at us with sorry eyes.

"You left without telling me anything? Do I not mean anything to you anymore?" She said as both of us opened our eyes to look at Julia who had tears in her eyes. Hunter immediately regained his composure and went to her.

"Mom." He hugged her mother and she immediately hugged him back. "I am so sorry. I should have just told you everything." He said while hugging her with his eyes closed.

"You are my son and I want you to be with me. No matter what just promise me from now on you will tell me everything." She said as she leaned back and looked at Hunter with teary eyes.

"And by everything. I mean everything." She said in a firm tone and in that instant everyone of us knew including Hunter, that she was talking about a certain someone and how he has been treating Hunter till now. Hunter nodded and Julia looked at me with a calm smile. She is so beautiful that just looking at her makes my heart melt and when I saw her with red puffy eyes, my heart broke.

"Daniella. Thank you so much for being with this idiot." She told me and I chuckled with tears in my eyes. "Hey-" "You have a lot of explaining to do young man. I am taking you all home. You all will be staying at our place tonight." Julia told us all cutting Hunter in mid sentence and we went ahead to sit in the cars while she talked to the cops.

I was sitting next to Hunter in the back while Brody and Kyle sat in the front. He instantly scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Danny." He whispered as I shuddered as how close we were. I didn't say anything.

"Do you know how sexy you look today?" He asked me like he wanted me to answer that question but me being me, I didn't know what to say. Instead I just shook my head 'no'

This was also the first time he has ever said the word 'sexy' to me. I was always cute or beautiful. This new side of him is making me go weak in the knees. "This time I won't run away and I definitely will not hold back." He whispered to me as he looked in my eyes. His pupils were large and me on the other hand is on the verge of smoking away. My heart is beating so fast that I am scared if I opened my mouth it will definitely jump out and land on Hunter's lap.

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