Did he just call me spoiled?

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"Do you have anything in this stupid place in which I don't look this fat?" She was almost on the verge of screaming.

She was wearing a big white gown with work of glitters and crystals at the top and a long white trail.

Her baby bump was very much evident though.

"Mam, you are pregnant, there is nothing we can do to make you look thin, except you do the wedding after the delivery." The women who was showing her the dresses was still calm though.

If I was on her place, I would have already shown her the exit door, but this women has got some patience.

I think she is very much used to customers like her, arrogant, stubborn and full of tantrums.

"Don't you tell me what to do, I will have the wedding when I want, you are no one to give me your worthless opinions." She said to her.

The sales women was now angry. She closed her eyes for a mere second and then took a deep breath. May be counting to ten or something because I saw her lips moving. She opened her eyes and very calmly told my about to pop mother.

"Perhaps, we don't have what you are looking for mam. You can look in other stores because, we won't tolerate such disrespectful behaviour. And you can leave the dress in the changing room. Thank you." And then she left.

I was trying to control my laughter, but it was pretty hard.

My mother's eyes were wide open and the lines on her forehead were telling me that she is very angry. She went inside the changing room with a huff as she tried gathering the long tail of the dress and fit it into the small room before banging the door hard shut.

Me, on the other hand was trying hard to breathe which was already difficult because of the corset of a dress I am wearing right now and it was even more of a task now due to the whole laughing and controlling.

Yes, I am still wearing that filthy tight dress of Jasmine.

I thought as soon as I'll get home, I'll go to my room and peel this dress of off me. But no, the minute Hunter dropped me out of my house, kissing my cheek, which I am still getting goosebumps about, I don't think I will ever get used to him kissing me, I was still fighting with the butterflies in my tummy and I was totally losing.

Another car stopped just in front of me, scaring the hell out of me in the process. For a moment I thought it's a kidnapper. But a Kidnapper normally doesn't show in a black Mercedes.

I really wished it was some stranger asking for some address but the back window of the Mercedes rolled down, telling me that it's no stranger.

It's my mother and she wants me to join her for her wedding dress shopping and apparently I am her maid of honour now, about which I had no idea for like two hours ago.

And I don't think Damien also knows that he is the ring bearer. This is going to be fun.

Note the sarcasm -_-

I am going to my Mother's wedding whose pregnant for about 8 months and who I didn't saw for an year and a half.

I am suddenly the daughter she loves the most. I don't even remember her Fiancé's name. Jake was it?

And I am in a dress that is clearly sucking me up like an anaconda with each breath I take.

Just perfect.

She didn't even let me change, her first comment after seeing me was,"Isn't that dress a little too revealing for school? But you have got good choice in clothes Daniella. It will help a lot in the dress selection."

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