Stick to the family

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My whole life took a U-turn when Hunter Donnavan entered in it and today it's going to take a U-turn again when he is probably going to leave forever. And it's all because of a misunderstanding, but why did all of this happen in the first place? Because that stupid Hunter left me alone. While

Ugh. I feel like hitting something. Is this? Is this what anger feels like? Am I feeling irritated? Did that beetroot made me angry? He always does that. And here I am still sobbing. Now my feet hurt because I tried kicking a rock waiting for him to arrive so I could actually tell him, that I am not cheating on him with anyone let alone Destiny.

Someone just parked their car at the side of the house. Correction. Someone parked Hunter's car at the side of his house. And that someone is not Hunter. Why is someone else driving his car? I immediately stood up on the side walk and approached the vehicle. Potentially putting myself in danger. They could be a kidnapper. But still I was like moving closer and closer to the car. My brain was stopping me with every step but the momentum of my feet was already made up.

As I approached the car someone extremely similar looking got out of it. And by similar I meant the face structure. I didn't know him well. Soon I realized that. It was none other than Noah Donnavan. Hunter's older brother. Now me knowing everything about their twisted relationship, you can think what was the first thought that came into my mind when I saw him driving Hunter's car.

"Did you kill him?" I came onto his face straight on, gripped his collar and screamed/whispered looking at his grey eyes which are looking directly at me with pure confusion.

"What the fuc*?" He was way to shocked that he stumbled in the open door of the car and sat on the driving seat with a thud, banging his head against the roof of the car. Well deserved if you ask me.

"Ow. Who the hell are you? And what are you doing on my property?" His property? The last time I checked this was still Julia's house.

"Tell me if you killed him or I am going to stab you with" I looked around and couldn't find anything except a tree branch and ran towards it to pick it up.

"Killed who? What are you? A psycho?" He said as he got up from the driver's seat and closed the car door while I am holding the tree branch in my hand. "Wait. Did I sleep with you in Adam's party?" I just looked at him with disbelief.

Someone tell me what genes run in this family?
"No, wait. You are that girl from dad's marriage. What was your name? Daisy"

"Danny" I corrected him with venom in my mouth. "And who did I kill Daisy?" "Your brother." I said still dripping venom. And then he laughed. He didn't just laugh, He full on rolled on the ground laughed at this. I stared at him for like 10 minutes until he finally stopped and looked at me realizing that I am not joking. "Who told you that?" he said still chuckling.

"Where is he and why are you driving his car?" I asked now feeling uneasy as my anxiety levels rose. Can't he just simply get to the point. Where is Hunter and what did he do to him? And why is he driving his car? Oh god I am going faint.
"Calm down you are getting red." He said while looking at me with concern in his eyes which was really odd coming from him to be honest.

I thought he was just going to laugh on my face and tell me to go adopt some cats because Hunter isn't coming back anytime soon.

Suddenly the concern in his eyes was vanished and displaced with that infamous mischievous look that I first saw him with. "Come on Daisy, If you'll make a face like this, What am I going to tell my baby brother? That I couldn't even take care of his girlfriend and made her cry?" Girlfriend? Tell him?

"What? WHAT?" I said as I almost jumped on him and was about to grab his shirt and shake him violently just to make this process any faster because as this rate I am going to lose my lashes soon.

"Be nice to me if you want to know anything about your little boy." He said that with the biggest smirk he could muster up and I blinked at him.



I felt the anger boiling inside me as I reached up to him, face to chest, grabbed him by his shoulder and get a hold of his head and smashed it against my knee while he was left with a dizzy brain. He moved slightly in circles holding his face and trying to keep his head in place as I climbed on the top of him and started pulling both of his ears with force and he screamed "I am so sorry Danny, I will tell you where my brother is. I was a beetroot before and I promise I will never ever bully my brother again ever just please don't hurt me Danny."



Suddenly I saw two fingers snapping in front of my face and I came out my beautiful dream. Gosh I would love if it was even a bit real. I looked up to him and reminded myself 'Stick to the family Danny.' He may be an arrogant piece of crap but he is the only way I could get to Hunter right now.

I took a deep breath and plastered the fakest smile I could.

"I am confused. Is it Daisy or was it some other flower?"

Oh my g-
Stick to the family Danny. Stick to the family.

"It's Danny" I said as the fake smile was still plastered on my face.

"Can you please tell me where I can find Hunter?" I said this and he started chuckling and my blood was literally boiling now. "He is at Dad's house,." He said while looking straight at me and I just looked at him with an expression I can't even explain anymore. "He isn't coming back anytime soon Daisy. I don't know what you did or said to him that I couldn't in 17 years but he is dead set to stay there for a while and I will be staying with mom." He said and I felt like my whole world just shattered into millions of pieces while each piece is falling down one by one in my hands and I can do nothing to save it.

Suddenly my feet felt lifeless and I sat down at the very spot I was standing on.

No, that can't be. He can't just leave like that. He. I. Us.

I struggled to form words and this was the first time in my life that I couldn't even make a proper sentence in my mind let alone speaking it out loud. What am I going to do now?

Who should I ask for help? Who should I call? What in the world am I doing sitting here in front of his house while his brother is staring at me.

"I have to go." I said as I could feel my feet again. I wasn't just feeling them. They were on fire now.

I was on fire now. We are not over and we will never be over.


"I don't think it's a good idea Dann- Ow" Ethan said while he was interrupted with an elbow in the gut by Brody. "It's the only Idea." He said while glaring at Ethan.

"I don't think it was the only Idea, we could easily rang the door bell." Kyle said. "And get the door smashed on our faces?" Des said while looking at me.

"Only you and Danny, we three are fine." Kyle said smirking at me as I pouted.

I know Hunter might be upset with me and Des but he will never shut the door at our faces. Right?

"Trust me this is only way, We can get him to hear us." Des said as me and Brody nodded while Kyle and Ethan looked down tilting their head in confusion.

As I was trying to calm myself, standing outside Hunter's dad's house, actually we are standing at the back side of his house trying to climb to the back window which Brody is sure about, that it is Hunter's room. And how he is so sure?

Because he has a Very. Strong. Feeling?

Yes that's how this whole climbing onto someone's room with the back window, like a thief, in the middle of the night, is based on.
"So how are we going to do this?" asked Ethan as we all looked towards Brody and he smiled at us mischievously.

I have a feeling I am going to get hurt. And for real this time.

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