My fruit basket is smaller than her belly.

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It's been minutes since I am looking at my phone screen.

And no, I am not looking at my wallpaper as it only consists of a plane black canvas with 'Do something' written in the middle of it, with white.

Nothing to stare there.

I am looking at the message I got from my mom this morning.

It's not normal of her, messaging me.

Actually it is the first time in months she contacted me.
Right now, I am in my room. Sitting on my bed, it's almost noon. We have no school today as it's Saturday.

I didn't see Hunter last night so I am assuming he is still at his cousin's house. Which is good because it would be really hard for me to face him.
If he could just stop kissing me from out of nowhere?

I was getting my precious sleep and as soon as I woke up and checked my phone, I was shocked to see a new text message. At first I thought it was Des, because, she is the only person who messages me, but she knows I won't be up till 1.

So I knew It wasn't Des.

Boy, I wish it was her though.

As for my mother, she would never remember how long and at what hours I sleep in.

I don't even think she knows I have no school today.
I looked at my phone screen again in horror.

Hey Danny Honey. I missed you so much. I would really like to meet you and Damien.
Call me when you get this message.
Love you.

Danny Honey? She never calls me Honey or Danny, to be precise.

It's always either Daniella or Daniella Jones, if she gets angry. Which she mostly is.

And why the hell does she want to meet us? It's been almost a year since I saw her last, which was when she came home saying she wants to talk to my father and Martha.

I don't know what they talked about in their bedroom but whatever it was, it lead to my mother screaming on the top of her lungs and my father telling her to never show her face to him again.

I don't know what was that but I had never seen my father this angry. I think she wanted to get back with my father which was clearly not possible since he was already happily married to Martha.

She didn't even came to their wedding. Just a bouquet arrived from her with a card on it, which said.

I will be waiting.

Clearly she was not happy. But she was the one who cheated on my father and then walked out on us.

I clearly remember that night when she came home, one night drunk as hell, with another guy.

Who was much younger then her. She kissed him in front of my father and us.
We could barely understand anything by then.
We were too young.
I was 10 and Damien was 11. She told my father how he couldn't fulfil her needs and that he was a loser.

I started disliking her from that moment.

They were legally divorced in an year, During which she shamelessly kissed other guys in front of my father, My father took her calling him a loser very badly and during that time he started working really hard.
He became successful and rich. I am really proud of him.

During his struggle he met with Martha who was his secretary and kind of our babysitter. I loved her. She was always caring and there for him. Which my mother hated.

Finally after they divorced, within 2 years my father and Martha got married.

My door suddenly opened showing my stupid brother's face. He too had a horrific expression on his face. Mirroring me.
"Did you get any messages from mom?" He asked.

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