I look like a potato

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I have never fainted before.

Not after I came to my senses and that is I think when I turned five?

Everything is black.

I feel so light, I cannot move my hands or my legs.

Am I paralysed?

No I feel wetness on my face. It's cold. The cold water is running on my cheeks.

Again I felt a splash of water on my eyes.

What the?

I opened my eyes to see a pair of green eyes looking at me, searching something inside me. I remember those eyes.

Green eyes. Stomach.

Suddenly a growling sound made Hunter wide his eyes. I put my hands on my stomach.

I looked in front of me to see a very tensed Damien looking down at me and beside him was a very scared Dave. I am surrounded by the whole football team.

Oh my god.

I am laying in the middle of the football ground surrounded by ten hot footballers, laying my head in a shirtless Hunter's lap. Now all I need is some grapes that Hunter could feed me.

I looked over at Hunter to see him glaring at me.

Here goes my fantasy.

"When did you eat last?" That question caught me off guard. Now that I think of it, I couldn't get any breakfast in the morning because I was getting late for the school. And I was roaming around the school campus with the cardboard in my hand and Dave on my tail, worrying about the designs of the uniforms during lunch.

So basically I didn't eat anything after yesterday afternoon. My stomach growled again making Hunter glare at me even more.

Damien came sat beside me. "Danny, you are beautiful. You don't have to change yourself even a single bit." He told me, making me confused.

"Okay?" Well that was strange.

"You don't have to starve yourself baby sis. You have a perfect body. You have all the curves that are uh- needed."

What the?

Okay now I am scared. What the hell is he talking about.

My ears. My poor ears.

I couldn't say anything to him. I was just looking at him with wide eyes.

"You don't have to starve yourself." He took one of my hand in his. "Danny, curves are in –"

"Oh my gawwwddddd." I screamed and snatched my hand from his. Somebody please hit me with a bat.

"I am not starving myself Damien. I just didn't have any time to eat. God, stop talking already, I will puke." That made Damien confused and soon his expressions changed into realisation and then horror. He was looking at me with those eyes that says 'I just had a talk with my little sister about her curves.'

" I think I am also going to faint soon." He said holding his head which made everyone chuckle. Hunter was actually covering his mouth with his hand.

"You are sure you are not starving yourself to be skinny. Because I am telling you Danny, you have a perfect bo-" I slapped my hand on his mouth before he could complete his sentence. He is the last person I want to hear that from, after dad.

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