Danny you pervert

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I never had this feeling before. I never have experienced this particular posture what so ever. Lying on the bed straight, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the events of the day and I am pretty sure I am smiling like an idiot right now. I looked at my right, where Fluffy was, I hugged it to myself.

God this thing is really soft.

I couldn't stop thinking about today. I never thought Hunter could be such a caring guy. But really for the past week he has been nothing but sweet to me. I think that's what friendship is actually. Caring about each other, it's not like I don't care about Des, or she doesn't care about me, we both love each other, but I never thought I would feel this kind of connection and care towards a guy.

Hunter to be precise.

After winning Fluffy Donnavan, everything went great. We rode on the other rides, ate more sweets and junk food and clicked pictures. I immediately sat up on my bed and went towards my study table. Two pictures were sitting there above one of my books. I picked them up and smiled.

One of the photographer took those pictures at the amusement park. First one was a picture of all six of us, smiling brightly at the camera lens and the other was picture of me and Hunter with me Holding fluffy and Hunter's arm around my shoulder. The picture was really cute.

I made memories. I made good memories.

I was still looking at the picture. I studied Hunter's face with concentration. He was giving a toothy grin to the cameraman, I was kind of blushing due to the fact that his hand was tightly wrapped around my shoulder. I was so small compared to him. His green eyes were sparkling. He seemed genuinely happy.

I don't know why but I got a fluttering feeling in my stomach. What was that?

I looked down at the picture, Hunter's face came in my view, his face, His smile, His eyes.


I got the fluttering in my stomach.

What is this?

I looked up to the front wall of my room. Pictures of me and Des in pre school were hanging there. Just beside it was picture of me and Damien in middle school, where Damien was giving me a piggyback ride. I smiled again looking at those.

I looked down again.

Hunter's twinkling green eyes. Again!

The tingling in my stomach.

What is this feeling?

Am I sick?


I couldn't sleep last night.

My eyes were closed, my bed was comfy as hell, I had no stress what so ever, except for the history paper due tomorrow, I had the best hot bath and on the top of that I was tired to. It was the perfect sleeping scenario. I dream for that scenario, but no, I had to think about that stupid Hunter and his twinkling green.....beautiful eyes, You are doing it again Danny.

I need help.

I slammed my locker shut and lowered my head, placed it on the locker.

"Hey Danny." "Ahhh" I jumped. Why do people kept scaring me?

I looked beside me to see and very creepily smiling Peeker Parker standing beside me. Since when does he calls me Danny?


"Yeah?" I asked with a poker face. Well I am totally unsure of what this person needs me for and on the top of that my social skills are being tested here.

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