Calm equals danger

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We jumped away with the sound of my extremely loud ringing phone in my pocket.


Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm from behind and I collided with a thick chest. I looked up to see pink lips and green eyes staring at me.


I stood there totally in my own zone, looking forward and smiling, I touched the cheek he just kissed and smiled.

Why am I acting so stupid lately?

More important.

Why am I liking it?


That Dave whom I was not able to find anywhere for the past forty minutes.

He is right here is front of my eyes inside one of the old classrooms, kissing, No, full on making out,

With Brody.



I was fine when I found out my mother is leaving us and our father.

I was fine when I found out Jake, my ultimate crush, has a red head girlfriend.

I was even fine when I found out that my mother is pregnant and remarrying some businessman in  some grand hotel and I will be her so called bridesmaid.

But right now, at this particular moment, I am not FINE.

I know these guys all have some extra hidden talents which no one actually knows about and they all are pretty good, no, totally amazing at those talents. Hunter being a mind blowing hairstylist, Kyle being an amazing artist, I really thought Brody would be also, like some kind of poet or singer but when, once I heard him singing, you rock my world by Michael Jackson and literally made my ears bleed, I was sure he was not a good singer.

Let's not even go to his dancing skills.

I have heard that once he participated in the annual function of our school, he was performing a couple dance with Susan Surain from biology.

Till date Susan has not performed in any dance competition, she doesn't even dance at proms for feet's sake.

But still I was pretty confident that Brody must have some hidden talent which he hid from the rest of the world ,but looking at him now sucking the life out Dave, he did hide something from the rest of the world, but I am not sure if can count this as a hidden talent or something.

I am confused to my very core right now, I have seen Brody kissing several girls before. He was no less then Hunter. But right now it feels like both of them would just die if they stopped kissing each other.

Oh my god.

Does Hunter also kiss guys when there's no one around?

Does Hunter and Brody kiss each other when there' s no one around ?

Now I am imagining Hunter and Brody kissing.

Now I want to punch a wall.

I am not a sexist, why am I so against it then?

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