Fluffy Donnavan

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I don't know what I am feeling right now, but whatever it is, it's making me, not able to sit at one place with calm. I am in my room and I have practically counted every inch of my room with my legs. I am walking, I am jumping on the bed, I am crawling. I think I will be rolling on the floor in sometime.

Hunter is a hair stylist.

The information was way to much to take in. I remember how he was working, making everything look so easy but, I know it was not easy at all. I want to ask him so many questions but I don't know if he knows that, the rapunzel with a beard was actually me.

The look he gave me though.

So after running out of the salon and practically making the car fly, we returned the hat, coat and the beard, which was hard to get off, to the guy back. He was quite a sweet guy. He introduced himself as Dave, He was in middle school with Brandon, Des's older brother. These guys go way back. And I think, he has a crush on Des , which she totally denied but, I know she is that dumb.

She couldn't figure out, how badly this guy liked her, in ninth grade, when he offered her, his cookie and asked her to be her partner. She thought he was asking her to be her partner in the science project. She told the poor guy, she already had a partner, which was me and the guy was left heartbroken and short of one cookie.

No matter how smart she tells herself to be in relationships stuff, she is far, far away from being called smart.

I was in the room, I came back around eight to find out that Damien was already here with my stuff from my mother's. That poop coloured luggage was sitting right in the centre of my room. It took me like half an hour to make Martha calm and understand, that it was just a prank to scare her. And it was all Des's idea. I had to blame it on someone. I couldn't possibly tell her that I was stalking Hunter.

I know her and how desperately she wants me to have a boyfriend. Telling her this, would probably mean, giving her the green single to book my honeymoon tickets in advance. When I first told her about my previous relationship, I could practically see her, imagining her, playing with some grandchildren.

It won't be a surprise to me if she already named them too.

I feel so tired.

So much has happened today, my mother ruined her wedding dress, gave birth to a cute little boy, got married in a hospital, I stalked Hunter though out the town scratching my beard, him working as a hair stylist, us practically flying out of the salon, him standing right in front me...

Standing right in front of me?


"Aahhhh." I jumped up, due to the reverse action of the mattress, I bounced back. So now I looked like, I am little girl with two pigtails, bouncing on my mattress asking for chocolate ice cream.

Hunter looked like he wanted to laugh badly, but he was using up all of his strength not to. He put his hand on his face making his biceps flex.

It's a great view.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I have to act like I haven't seen him in like two days, not today and last we talked was on phone after the study session night. During the horrible night we call as rehearsal dinner.

"I wanted to talk to you, Danny." He told me. Why, his voice's so raspy? Why is he looking at me with that amused expression?
"Uh-eh-yeah?" I can't even say a yes properly. Why am I so hopeless?

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