Ultra goosebumps/ That cute hulk

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P.s I couldn't select one name for the chapter :p

My Anaconda don't...
My Anaconda don't...
My Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun

Boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit


We jumped away with the sound of my extremely loud ringing phone in my pocket.

I mentally screamed at my 16 year old self, when my Dad gave me this blue gift wrapped box, and very excitedly I opened it, jumped on my bed, hugged the life out of my dad, screaming Thankyou like a million times, that finally I got the phone I wished for.

If I knew at that time, that this phone is going to be the reason, that I couldn't kiss this beautiful creature in front of me, who is right now looking at me like I have 3 heads,
I would have thrown this phone on the floor and jumped on to it repeatedly. But right now I co do nothing but cry inside.

Hunter was looking anywhere but me, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket as fast as I could before anymore of this stupid ringtone could play, I have got to change this song to something more soothing or calm, my heart is still beating fast like I saw a ghost or something.

I quickly picked up the phone before anymore of the embarrassment could happen and without looking, who was calling, I was ready to scream on the person.

"Hello?" Well that was a loud hello, I sneaked a peak at Hunter who was now visible shade of red matching mine. He is blushing?
I made Hunter Donnavan blush?

Even his blushing face is sexy.

"Danny are you alright?" I quickly recognised the voice being Damien's. I guess he was just checking up on me. His timing though.

"I am fine Damien. I am home. When are you coming back?" I asked Damien. I was not sure if he was still at school or standing just outside the door.
He must not be outside. I am still recovering from the blush from before. If he saw me and Hunter, both blushing like a tomato, alone at home, he is definitely going to have a talk with Hunter.

" I will be home in like an hour. Make sure to eat something, alright? I don't want you to faint again and remember you have a perfect body-" I cut the call before he could finish his sentence. That creeped me out again. Goosebumps.

I totally forgot about the devil in front of me and now I have to face him and the awkwardness of almost kissing him. Sometimes I wish I had that light thingy from Men in Black movie, I would have erased every embarrassing memory of mine from people's head and the first person being every girl from my 6th standard, when I had a very bad period incident in the locker room.
Let's just say I don't wear whites anymore during that time of the month.

I am still looking at my phone scared to look up in those beautiful green eyes, scared to even say anything. What do you even say in such kind of situations?
Hey! Sorry to almost kiss you?
How was the kiss we almost had?

Oh my god? What if my mouth smells bad? Nah! It probably smells like Nutella.

Why am I thinking so much? It was just an almost kiss, with Hunter Donnavan.
Nothing is JUST about this situation.

I think I should look up. I have to look up or Hunter will think I am a retard who stares at their phone for no reason, after cutting a call.
I slowly looked up and saw that Hunter was not in front of me anymore. I looked around the hall and still couldn't see him anywhere. Where did he go?
Did he get kidnapped by Jasmine?
Or is he playing hide and seek with me?

I looked around in the kitchen, the dining hall, but he was not anywhere around.

I think he went home.

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