Where are my lungs?

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My life sucks....

It actually sucks



I am currently in my room thinking about ways to get myself out my love struck self which if continued in the state it is going on, will probably bring me in a state of depression.

Why Danny? Why?

Why would you have to love someone so out of your reach?

Even thinking about his perfect self, makes me want to cry out in agony.

I am sitting in front of my laptop which dad gifted me on my 15th birthday after begging for days and giving him a big list of how it will help me in the school assignments.

It was really hard to crack him because he was under full influence of our neighbor Mr. Kesley.
According to Mr. Kesley, all teenagers do today, is watch dirty movies on internet and get addicted to bad habits like smoking or drinking or even drugs. No good can come from using technology apparently. And he himself doesn't even own a mobile phone. They use their house phone for god's sake.

According to him a laptop with internet access to it, is a way of opening a dirty gate to the teenagers.

But it was not me who dad was worried about actually.
Damien was the real problem, so after assuring dad that he won't use internet without my supervision, dad let me have a laptop which left Mr. Kesley totally horrified.

I really feel sorry for his children sometimes.

I looked on my laptop screen.
There he was. Glowing all in his perfection. With his beautiful blonde hair to his striking blue eyes and his cute smile.
Jake Anderson, the love of my sucky life since 9th grade. But the thing that ticked me the most was his relationship status, in a relationship, it was not mentioned with whom he was in a relationship with, but of course I knew it too well.

Previously that day...

Me and Des were standing outside our school waiting for Ethan because meeting inside the school would be too overwhelming for Des. Like standing here beneath the hot sun waiting for a guy to show up, when the entire school is inside, is nothing but giving too much importance.

Which I do not like giving to a total stranger.

Just as we were waiting for Ethan to show up, I saw at the very corner of our school, there is a tree and it's not the tree which I am looking at.
I was looking at the two people beneath that tree.
Des turned her face towards where I was looking so intently and not so happily, if I might add.

Her eyes went wide.
Right beneath the tree was standing, Jake Anderson, my ultimate crush since forever and guess what, he is not alone.

Nope. Nah ahh.
Na Na Na.

There in his arms was the co-captain of the cheerleading team, Chelsa(clićhe) Daniels.

I could recognize her long red ponytail from miles away and even a single strand of Jake's hairwould be enough for me to recognize him.

He was gripping on her hips like his life was dependent on them and they were so engrossed in there kiss that the rest of the world just didn't matter to them.

What? Do you want to count each other's teeth with your tongue?

Well I guess they are together.

I felt like a zombie.

Like all my years of living were just a waste.
That being shy whenever he looked at me and gave me that cute smile of his.
We had many classes together and we had our hi(s) and bye(s). Surely we never talked much but that one hii from him was enough to bring a big smile on my face.

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