Everything was still

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"We broke up." I blinked. And blinked. And blinked some more.


"He was telling us you went on an ice cream date with him." The first time Hunter said something while looking at me with straight eyes.


"Jake, will it be alright if I text you? like at night?" I asked him. He diverted his attention to me. His face looked a little sad but he soon smiled at me and told me 'sure' before going to his car, he kissed me on my cheek. It was a really gentle and sweet kiss. Just as Jake leaned back I looked over at Hunter, but a real loud voice of engine and a wave of wind followed by it, told me that he already sped off to somewhere.


And than I sobbed.


Authors' note: This chapter is very important you guys. I want you to feel every word that is written here. To feel what anyone at Danny's place would be feeling. I tried my best to let you guys imagine everything using my choice of words and I really hope that you guys like it :)

Everything was still. It felt like nothing was moving and each sound is loud amd clear. The rustling of leaves in air, the voice of the fan, my breaths and then again I sobbed really loud. Hunter slowly removed his hand from my torso and my waist. His hands slid to the side of my waist from where he slowly turned me around.

He turned me 180 degree so now I am facing him. My head is straight. My vision is a bit blurry because my eyes are filled with salty water. Hunter's perfectly symmetrical and sexy face is now blurred, but still sexy enough to make me remember how he treated me all this while. And more tears filled my eyes. My eyes felt heavy and soon a big drop fell right down my left eye and slid to my neck. Now I am breathing heavily. I can see clearly but only with one eye as the other one is still full with tears.

I looked into his green orbes. Remembering how they used to twinkle with excitement everytime we were together. Now they were sad and a little dull. A flash of Hunter and Jasmine's kiss made its way to my mind and I clenched my hand together and my eyes were shut tightly making all the tears inside my eyes flow out and to my neck. I opened my eyes, my eyelashes are wet. But my tears are not stopping.

My hand flew to his chest as I put one hand right above his heart and other to the side. His chest is so hard that I can't push the skin in. There it is. His heartbeat. It's really loud. I closed my eyes again and opened them as my eyelashes gets stained again. All this while Hunter was watching me in awe. He knew, why I was crying. He knew exactly, that's why he stayed quiet and didn't ask me what was wrong. His arms are no longer on my waist. They are on his side and he is looking down at me sadly. I put my forehead on his chest. Just the top of it. The image of Hunter and Jasmine popped into my mind again. I shut my eyes really tight but the image is still there.

I took a deep breath and pushed Hunter with all my might, pressuring my hands on his chest. I used all my strength but it only affected him to take a few steps back. I looked up at him. He looked hurt. Like I betrayed him. His mouth is ajar. His eyes are red. Probably mine are too.

I started breathing like it was getting hard for me to breathe but in reality I was just trying to calm myself. I was angry. I was sad but most of all, I was hurt.

"Who do you think you are?" I said in a very slow manner. Very light, I took a deep breath and the sound of that hard breath resonanted the whole room.
"I told you, what I, felt, for you. I gave you, my heart. I saw you ripping it apart in front of my own eyes." I looked at him with pained eyes. He is looking at me with nothing but sadness and regret.

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