I just touched a rose petal

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Remember when I said that dad made a deal with both me and Damien, about how we should earn around half the price of our desired cars and the rest half of it, our dad will pay, and how Damien got his car by working at a mall, and how I couldn't get a car because I accidentally burnt the eyebrows of my boss. *air quotes* While I was working at an ice cream parlour.

Well I guess My ex boss's eyebrows still didn't grow back.

How do I know this?

By the look he is giving me right now through the ice cream window, while I am holding my cookie dough tub, trying to hide my face behind the tub and everyone else laughing their ass off while Des explained them as to why this guy was trying to stab me with his eyes.

And without any eyebrows, he is looking extra scary and creepy.

I really wanted to stop Des, to not tell everyone about how unskilled I am at everything, especially scooping ice cream into a cone. All you had to do was just ask people which flavour they want and give it to them. How can anyone mess this job?

Hunter and Brody were about to punch, no eyebrow man in the face as he was staring at me, but Des stopped them and told everyone about his side of the story. She even said that it's his generosity that he is not calling the cops on me.

Seriously Des? It's not my fault that he brought his eyebrows filled face near the fire. How hard is it? You just don't put your face in the fire.

Alright it was all my fault.

But how was I supposed to know that even an ice cream parlour could catch fire. I was doing great before that short circuit in the air conditioning.
I tried to remember his name, something like Dicky? Dickson? Dick?

I am pretty sure it had a Dick in it.

The guy was still eyeing me. I got the creeps just thinking about it. It's not everyday that a middle aged man, who's name has a dick in it and has no eyebrows is staring at you while scooping ice cream cones to small children. He looks intense. Even some of the children looked creeped out.

So finally we were back, near Hunter's truck as everyone was digging in there ice creams and me standing there holding the big cookie dough tub in my hand waiting to get home so that I could scoop some ice cream for my self.
I should have listened to Kyle when he told me to get a smaller cup or cone. But how was I supposed to know that he was not planning something funny?

And I would rather eat this tub alone in my room, alone, where I won't have to talk to anyone. My main reason being, not wanting to share my ice cream with anyone.

But no talking is also what I prefer when I eat. I hate those kind of people who talk while they eat. I seriously don't want to know what you are eating while to spit it out on my face.

And that is why you enjoy your ice cream in peace girl.

Hence proved.

But now as I am looking at Kyle munching on his chocolate chip and making umm noises, I am about to open this tub right here right now and eat the ice cream with my bare hands.
I pouted at Hunter, who was at the last bite of his Chocolate Brownie Sundae.
He looked at me with playful eyes.

Oh those green buttons.

There was some dark brown chocolate on his lower lip.

So an insanely hot guy, with chocolate dripping of his lips is looking at me with a flirtatious grin.
Hello? Bursting ovaries over here.

Control yourself Danny.
Do not jump on Hunter.

Why do I want to jump on Hunter on the first place?

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