Part Eight: Jealousy

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Moments after speaking with Alex in the kitchen, everyone is sitting around the patio table. I'm finally getting to meet everyone else directly. I sit next to Patrick who has Hilary on the other side of him. Alex sits at the end of the table furthest from me, which I believe he has done intentionally. Patrick introduces me to his two cousins and his aunt. The other guests are friends of the family.

I stay quiet through most of the meal, listening to everyone else talk. Patrick is completely in his element mingling with everyone and I'm not sure if I've ever seen him so chatty.

"So, Alex." A woman a little older than the rest of the twenty-somethings begins, "How's the business going? I heard you're expanding."

"We are," Alex nods his head with a smile. I can tell he's seriously passionate about running his hotel chain. "I'm actually working on a new venture with Klaus Conrad."

"The fashion designer?" One of Patrick's younger female cousins asks.

My interest is peaked and I look at Alex curiously. He nods his head at the questions, "Yes, that's the one. He wants me to invest in his work, in return there will be fashion shows hosted at one of my hotels. Fashion shows bring guests which means more rooms will be filled. It's an idea, nothing is set in stone."

"You should definitely do it," I say without thinking. I just got so caught up in what he was saying I couldn't help myself, "I mean, it's a good idea... There's lots of potential."

"You know, dad. Avery is an aspiring designer," Patrick chimes in, causing my cheeks to go red, "She took classes for fashion in Portland. Maybe you could talk to Mr. Conrad."

"Patrick, no." I try to hush him. Having Patrick ask for a favor from Alex seems unreal, especially something like this from someone so high standard. Klaus Conrad is a household name in New York, his designs were originally made exclusive for Macy's and the prices are more than my rent for a month.

Alex looks at me, something in his eyes ignite me and I remember back to the night we met. I had told him about my dream to be a designer, he knew about it before Patrick did and the look in his eyes right now lets me know that he remembers that conversation we had.

"I'll see what I can do. No promises, but I'll talk to Conrad."

I'm surprised that Alex responded so well and didn't give a snippy comment of some sort. I look at my plate, unable to help but smile. This is a lot, but in a good way. I don't know if it could complicate things but if Alex really could get me in contact with Klaus Conrad, it could be a huge life changing moment for me.


When seven o'clock rolls around everyone is gone except for myself, Patrick and Hilary. Hilary is upstairs getting her room ready for the night while Patrick and I are heading towards the door to leave for the night.

"You wanna stay at my place tonight?" Patrick asks me.

I don't feel like driving all the way back to Jersey tonight, staying in Manhattan won't be so bad and Patrick's apartment is only a few minutes away from here. I nod my head, accepting Patrick's offer and walking with him out the front door.

"I supposed it won't hurt to spend more time with you," I tease him, taking his hand as he leads me down the driveway. I stop before we reach his car, "Oh shoot. I forgot my bag by the pool. I'm just going to run back and grab it quickly."

"I'll warm up the car," He tells me.

I turn back towards the house, running back up the driveway and through the front door. Making my way back to the backyard, I open the patio door and my body collides with Alex who is on his way inside.

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