Chapter 19 - MAE DAY

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As I entered the bedroom, I saw the tiny bump filling the bed, messy hair everywhere and dark circles under her eyes. I couldn't help myself I had to give her kisses and cuddles. She didn't wake but her bruised face was a harsh reminder of why I must protect her. Knowing my sister had kissed and cuddled the same little girl made being her mummy feel right and so special. My maternal instincts stronger. My sister was an auntie to my baby girl even though she never got to be a mummy to the twins. Ok she was an auntie as she married Suri's uncle but it cemented my relationship with Suri and I, made the foundations firmer, instead of a child I was passed one night and told to protect. I still remember her face when she knew she had to leave her daddy and Lee's haunted me to this day along with the sound of people preventing him from running after me and taking her back. Her tiny hand in mine, both strangers and how she had asked me if I hated Stephanie as much as she did. A little girl should not know hatred, threats and be cast out. She's my baby girl now, my sister had told her that I would love her and she was right. I would lay my life down for hers in a second, the same as her uncle had for my sister and the babies. Now to see if the marriage bit would come true.

I really don't want to be married, I don't know Lee very well at all and he doesn't me. We are strangers but also friends... well more acquaintances as I don't see him anymore. Yes I admit that I care for him and his good looks factor into that and should this whole ridiculous Suri situation not have been necessary I am sure he would have popped around to visit more often and see the twins. I had noticed that since he gave up his own daughter he had shown no interest in the twins, even when they were at the hospital his attention was 100% on Suri. He didn't hold them or even ask about them and I know why.... he didn't want to get attached as he had given them up too. Sometimes I found myself day dreaming about inviting him to dinner or coming to see Suri at the weekend and take her out for the day, but I knew it would never happen as he was banned from seeing her and we came as a package deal. I looked at the bruised chubby cheek and promised my little cherub that my selfish needs in a relationship with a man were irrelevant when it come to a making her happy and if I could get her father back I would. If Lee wants to get married so he can have her back in his life, I would do it because the thought of losing her from my life was unbearable and Lee's pain was worse. I would fix it and if Stephanie shows her face I would punch her right on the surgically altered nose for my baby girl.

"She is exhausted," Rema whispered as I gave her one last kiss.

"I just need to leave her a note to say I will be back or she will panic," I replied as there had been several incidents where she has freaked out when I had disappeared. Even to go hang the washing on the line as she thought I had left her and didn't want her anymore so I had taken to singing in the garden so she could follow my voice. School was a nightmare and there were days when I would be called to come and collect her as she didn't calm down. I would go see her at break times and lunch to reassure her and just when I thought we were ok as she had a good few days something would happen like a kid being mean and all my hard work was ruined. Then there were days when she loved it, like when she got that party invite and had something to look forward to. I would leave her a note and promise her a treat. She would like that.

I scribbled a note 'Just popped out for a little while, won't be long. I'll bring you back some sweeties and you can share them with the others. Love you princess. Your mummy xxx p.s. watch the babies for me and make sure they know I am coming back soon. I am with Uncle, Bowdie and Rema.'

I figured her comforting the twins would help her comfort herself and I just wished I could have brought her with us. I hurried into clothes, dragged a brush through my hair and rushed out. Carla was ready to watch the twins and the kids. The cook was in the kitchen and gave me a welcoming smile.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt