Chapter 58 - MAE DAY

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Lee rushed off as his mother yelled at Suri to get out and hauled me off the bed with Uncle. Pain screaming through my body as I was man handled out of the room and though I wanted to know why I was more relieved that whatever it was, they were saving me from it.

Suri and her grandmother continued to drag me down the hall as Uncle ran back to Lee and Bowdie.

"Suri, fetch your grandfather," she yelled.

Suri rang off screaming for him at the top of her lungs. Barely a minute passed when a huge lion appeared. I screamed as it ran past and the sound of roaring and smashing echoed towards us.

"Lee be careful!" Uncle yelled.

"Suri, No!" her grandmother yelled as she ran past back to the room."Suri!" she yelled leaving me to run after her in desperation.

I slumped against the wall as I heard people yelling and tried to stop myself from screaming in terror. A loud crash behind me made me turn and look. A troll hand reached out from a hole punched in the wall and moved down the hall towards me.

I screamed as I scrambled backwards but I wasn't fast enough. The hand managed to grab my leg, I heard it snap before I felt the agony and screamed as it dragged me down the hall towards a huge eye staring through another hole. I screamed trying to grab anything to hold onto but it was useless there was only floor. Shiny, polished floor and bare walls.

"Mummy!" Suri screamed as she appeared from nowhere and flung herself on top of me. Her face turned to fury as she placed both of her hands on top of trolls and screamed. It exploded like a water balloon, blood, bone and flesh all over us.

The roar of the troll was deafening as it retracted its dismembered arm smashing away most of the wall in the process. Suri reached out throwing broken pieces of the wall at the eye which turned from shocked to angry and terrifying but she showed no fear as she grabbed a large piece of a wooden rail that lay amongst the rubble and stabbed it right in the pupil.

"Suri!" Uncle yelled as a lion launched over my head and dragged her away. Her whole body instantly going limp as she was carried off in its mouth crying in protest. More fighting ensued as I was pulled away by Uncle. Conrad appeared in his demon form closely followed by his father who waved his hand at me and the others. Seconds later we were in another bedroom.

Suri's cries distracted me from the mayhem as she lay on the floor being licked to death by a lion.

My heart jumped into my mouth and my eyes closed in fear. I knew it wouldn't hurt her but the visual image of a blood covered child and a lion licking her was enough to turn anyones stomach.

"Granddad get off!" she screamed. "Bwwwwwwahhhhhhhhh get off!"

"She's ok, he is licking the blood off her and checking for injuries," Uncle said as he checked me over and stripped me down too.

It grew silent except for Suri's cries and everyone listened. The battle was over.

Lee's lion rushed in the room and over to Suri before I had time to scream. He set about licking her too and growled when she cried. Suri gave up the fight and lay there. Conrads father joined them and she grew silent under the magic of his gaze. He was so big that instead of licking her hand he lifted her up, stripped her off and sucked each of her hands like she was a doll.

"She has burns and cuts to her hands, troll blood is poison to most they need to get it out of her wounds," Conrad said as I noticed he was sucking blood from scratches I didn't realise I had. "Don't worry about the lions they are immune."

"Mae did you see that portal open before we did?" Uncle asked.

I nodded.

"They must have been testing," Uncle said to Conrad. "We thought she was hallucinating."

"So did she," Conrad said reading my mind.

"My mother is coming with an antidote," Conrad said nodding to the wall.

"Enter," Uncle said as though giving a password to an invisible door.

The wall changed and a woman walked forward from another world. One I knew was much darker than this but also very necessary as there were some horrors that I had been saved from.

She appeared huge like her husband but soon assessed people and shrunk to adapt to our size. Her long bright red hair flying in the breeze of the still open portal as I clung to uncle. Her clothes more in keeping with medieval times. Her eyes looked towards me black as coal but the pupils were red.

"She won't hurt you," Conrad whispered as she hurried over to Suri and the portal closed. Lee's mother gave it a good check as I stared at it waiting for a troll to appear.

"Troll blood! Suri you know better than that and you could have blown up your mother with that trick. Just look at the state of you," the woman said scalding her. "Drink this."

"NO!" Suri screamed making a run for it and shocked me by getting passed the men.

"It wasn't a request," the woman said raising Suri off her feet to float in mid air.

Suri screamed in frustration that her escape attempt was over. "I'll spit it out!" Suri said as the woman walked towards her.

"Good luck with that," Conrad said grimacing.

"I don't want it!"

"You play with Trolls you pay the toll," the woman said pouring the liquid into midair. The liquid seemed to take on a mind of its own and look at Suri. The woman reached out and squeezed Suri's cheek and once Suri's mouth was open enough, the medicine shot down her throat like a bullet out of a gun. I grimaced as Suri was nearly sick.

"She makes Nanny McPhee look like a pussy," Conrad sighed.

"Next," the woman said turning to me as a crying Suri floated gently to the ground. "Don't be afraid," she said as I clung to Uncle.

Uncle took the bottle of medicine and sat me up more to take it. I noticed Lee in the background back in human form, he was wearing jogging bottoms and checking Suri over. He smothered her in relieved kisses before hugging her tightly.

I turned my head at the smell of the medicine. "Urgh," I said grimacing.

"Now don't you give me trouble as well," the woman said smiling. She was much younger than I thought she would be. More likely to be Conrads wife than mother.

I opened up my mouth and swallowed the medicine like a good girl and instantly regretted it. Like rotten oranges but fought the urge to reject it. It felt strange like my stomach had a live cat in there trying to get out. Uncle gave me a proud look which stopped me from throwing it back up.

"I want to know how they got through," Conrad's father was saying in the background as Lee stood with Suri in his arms, she seemed to be falling asleep. Why was he not coming over to see me?

My eyes started to drop... he hadn't even looked at me.

"I think they are tracing the parasites," Lee's father replied. "They went straight to her. One as a distraction, and the other to grab her whilst we fought to close the portal."

I tried to focus on Lee and Suri, he was rocking side to side to sway her with his lips pressed to her hair. He must have been terrified of losing her. I was. But why wasn't he concerned about me?

"As soon as she is under we need to fix that broken leg," Uncle said as I began to fade into unconsciousness.

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