Chapter 33 MAE DAY

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I turned to look at him and sighed.

"A guy could get paranoid; think he's been ditched..."

"Is red wine ok?" Wendy called from the kitchen.

"Yes thank you," Lee replied.

"You do realise you are here because Suri spelled you so she could escape the counsel," he whispered.

I was about to argue but when I looked at him I was stuck for words. My mouth open like a cod fish.

"Who's the happiest person in the house? Who's the one who benefits the most? Who has her friends around past their bedtime and sweets which make them hyper. No parent gives their child sweets before bed," he said nodding.

I swore under my breath as I watched her dancing with her friends to her games.

"Watch her score," he whispered.

It was rocketing, she was cheating. I had to giggle.

"Ooo whispering sweet nothings in your ear hey. I remember when Mike used to do that. Now the only thing he whispers is 'I think one of the kids is crying' so I will get up and go see to them whilst he sleeps," she said.

Lee chuckled and accepted his wine glass. "Thank you," he said polite as always. I noticed the wedding ring on his finger. I didn't remember putting it there.

"Here's to you both, Mr and Mrs... Oh my god you are not Mae Day anymore. This sucks, how are we supposed to take the piss out of you when we are drunk and can't get a cab, 'Mayday, Mayday, we can not a taxi for love nor money come and fetch us honey', that is our drunk call to Mike!" she whined. "What the hell are you called now?"

Lee laughed. "It's Grayson, Mrs Mae Grayson," he informed her.

"Oooo it suits you, you sound quite posh. Are you posh Lee?" she asked puzzled for a moment.

"Not really," he replied.

"Are you rich?" she asked making me balk.

"No, just a lawyers wage," he replied which made me look at him as I thought he was. "My family are loaded though, does that count?" he teased.

"Hell yeah!" she said looking at me like I won the jackpot. "Gorgeous, lawyer, family is loaded and what car have you got?" she asked rushing out to the window. "Oh my god! Best husband ever!" she said stunned. "Don't tell Mike I said that."

I was grateful she wasn't remembering that Lee was in a serious car accident and a miraculous recovery was sat before her.

"Right the toast," she said rushing over, "To Mr and Mrs Grayson, may you grow old and wrinkly together."

We all clinked glasses and I took a huge gulp.

"Ooo wait kiss I need to facebook this," she said.

"No!" I said glaring at her.

"Oh come on this is the best gossip in ages, it trumps everyone else, give me this moment pleeeeaasssee," she begged reaching for her phone.

"I thought you were ordering pizza," I asked as the kids had moaned for it earlier.

"I did, it will be here in about ten minutes, which leaves time for a 'facebook wow moment'," she squealed.

I should have protested but thought what the hell, let her have fun she looks so happy.

"Right, I'm ready kiss," she said holding up her camera phone.

I turned towards Lee closed my eyes as he moved in for the kiss and sucked his lips back, soft and slow as the photo was taken. As I broke away I realised I need to kill someone... someone small and crafty!

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now