Chapter 46 MAE DAY

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"Seeing as you have crashed our date night with your poo phobia..."

"It is not a phobia, it is an aversion," Conrad replied.

"It's only a little bit of poo," I said and then giggled as I remembered the nurse saying that to Lee at the hospital. "All babies get a dribbly bottom when teething."

"Firstly that wasn't a little bit, her backside had turned into a chocolate fountain and that wasn't poo it was dissolving faeces full of ammonia, toxins and far too much bile!"

"It's just baby poo, the longer you leave the mess there the more chance there is that it will make her bum red... how many children have you got again."

"I lose count," he said his mind elsewhere for a moment.

"Can you fetch some nappies, bottles, dummies, night clothes and a book, whilst I warm the soup?" I asked Conrad. "Oh and Lee some casual clothes as 'we' had planned on being naked all weekend."

"You dirty girl!" he said grinning like a Cheshire cat before disappearing with my next blink.

He reappeared a few minutes later with them, and a minute after that with two high chairs looking smug. I passed him his soup and he plonked himself on the sofa.

I strapped the twins into their chairs. Bay cried a little as he wanted me to hold him some more.

"You sit there and I will feed you some din dins, mmmmm," I said making him stop.

I passed them some bread and olives I found that didn't have chilli or stones in them. "One for you and one for you," I said.

Willow growled as she tried to snatch Bay's piece of bread too. He screamed and almost spat like a cat at her.

"No!" I told her sternly. "You have yours, that one is Bay's. Eat your own piece and you can have another one but eat that first."

She reached out scratching at the back of his hand to get the bread. I pulled her off and was bitten in the process. I pulled the high chairs further apart to stop another attempt.

"Naughty!" I said glaring at her as Bay cried out like a cat in the street getting impregnated by a tom. She had hurt him and she knew it!

I kissed the back of his hand. My own hand killing, it felt like I'd just been bitten by a dog. I stroked his face as I made her sit back down using my other hand with more pressure than I had ever used with her before, god she was strong. She tried for another bite so I went with the two handed approach.

"SIT DOWN!" I growled back at her, pulling her legs back through the high chairs and arms back through the straps she had tried to escape.

There was no way she was winning! She started to scream and rock herself back a forward to smack her head off the tray. I moved her bread.

"Cushion please," I yelled to Conrad who chucked me one. I placed it on her highchair tray to stop her hurting herself.

She growled and hissed.

"Told you she was horrible," Conrad yelled. "Lionesses are bitches."

"She bit me the little...," I said as she got me again. "Owwww!"

Conrad popped over and gave my hand a thoughtful lick, like a mother licking chocolate off her kids hand, in this case it was blood off mine which stung a little as it healed. Bay held up his hand and gave a little whine. Conrad 'num, numed' the back of his hand and took the last of the soup in the pot before heading back to the sofa.

Willow managed to catch the elbow of my clothing and I struggled to get it free. "Stop, No!" I said and turned her chair around so it wasn't facing us. Biting and scratching were not in reach from there.

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