Chapter 55 - MAE DAY

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"Mae!" Lee's father spoke to my mind bringing me back to consciousness. I noticed all the madness had died down and was replaced with a deathly silence. "Lee is going to pick you up. Don't worry he won't hurt you. He carries the children like it all the time."

I realised where I was again... panic setting in but it wasn't the panic of being in a cage with two lions, it was the need to escape and desperation to ensure I wasn't left behind. I couldn't see him but I could hear Lee's lion breathing near me.

"I will not hurt you," he said into my mind like his father.

I tried to reach out a hand. My shoulder dislocated making me cry out.

"Don't move, you will make your injuries worse. We can't phase back here so I have to carry you."

"I'm going to help you, I'll nudge you over. You are safe," his father said as he pushed me so I rolled onto my side. I cried out in pain. I was so busy dealing with the pain that I barely felt Lee's mouth lift me up. "He won't hurt you. We just need to carry you to safety while we wait on a portal."

Lee's lion was gigantic. Several times the size I'd seen before. My body curled into a foetus shape, his tongue a welcome warmth and even though he was covered in blood and a giant lion there was no where I would rather be.

"Everything is going to be fine now Mae," his father said as I heard his paws matching the pace of Lee's. "If we put you down stay in that position and don't move. We will deal with whatever comes at us and pick you back up again."

I was carried only a few feet further before I was set down. A fight broke out again and I lay still on the ground listening to the terrifying noises. Until it grew silent.

"Lee," I managed to mumble.

"Hold on sweetheart, I'm not leaving you. There is one more stay quite while we hunt," he whispered to my mind.

The softness in his voice making me start to sob uncontrollably.

"Mae, I am stood in front of you. Protecting you..."

A roar ripped out and a large thud.

"Leeee!" I tried to scream. As two roars, snarls and the sound of a trolls deep voice making its last plea filled my ears.

I couldn't see. I knew it was daylight but everything was a blur. I could feel my injuries and some were serious.

"Nice one," Lee said but I knew it was to his father and I was overhearing their conversation via telepathy. "Mae, I am going to carry you again, ok?"

I waited for him to pick me up. I felt his breath and even tried to help myself into his mouth for warmth. I was shaking so much my whole body was shaking. I was grateful when Lee moved his tongue so I could lie under it and use it as a warm blanket. We walked on and I heard the rushing of water... my hand holding one of Lee's teeth for comfort... it was so strange.

"Mae... Mae..." his father called. "She is going into shock. Where is she bleeding from? Put her down for a moment."

I was too tired to open my eyes.

"Mae, we are going to clean you up a little so I can check your injuries," his father said. "We will put you at the rivers edge to clean you. Sorry but it is necessary."

I was put down into freezing cold water. Agony racing through my body.

"I'll change back, keep an eye out," he said and moments later I felt his hands on me. "I have to be quick Mae," he dragged me into the water. I heard Lee make a 'uufff' noise.

Water raced around us as his father held me there and rubbed water into my eyes. "Don't drink it, Mae," he warned. "Just let me clean you off a little, the water has parasites." He dragged me back to the shore. "If I pull this push it into place." My arm was pulled by his father as I felt Lee's huge paw pushed against it gently. I cried out as the put it back in the socket. "I need to stop the bleeding but I fear it is more internal. Where is the portal?"

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