Chapter 67 - Mae Day

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"Mae, come here," Lee's voice whispered to my mind.

"She's under," Lee's father said as I felt my head slump heavily and the vision close in.

"Mae, come see my old room," Lee said pulling me by the hand up some stairs.

"Where am I?" I asked confused.

"It is a vision whilst they fix you. We are at my parents house. I am going to show you my old room and may be even kiss you on my old bed," he teased.

"What like all those other girls?" I laughed.

"Just practicing ready for you," he said pulling me along a corridor.

I stopped outside a door. He tried to pull me on.

"What is in there?" I asked.

"Just a guest room," he said dismissively and pulled on my hand.

I stared at the door and listened to see if anyone was in there.

"This way Mae, it's just here," he said.

"I want to look in this one first," I said reaching for the door.

"And I want to make out with you in my old room. We can look in there on the way back," he said moving his arm around my shoulder and leading me on. I kept turning to look back at the door. What was in there?

"Here we go. My old room," he said. "Or should I say 'Our Room' for when we stay over."

He swung open the door to a breathtaking room which was untidy, covered in kids toys and the odd stamped in biscuit on the carpet but that just made it even more perfect.

"I would have tidied but... no that is a lie. I wouldn't. I am a slob. We are married there is no point in denying it. Soon you will be nagging me to pick up after myself and yelling at me for drinking out of the bottle and not getting a glass," he said shrugging as though resigned to having a 'nagging wife'.

"Something tells me you are never going to change," I replied.

"I don't get a lot of time to tidy. I am always rushing or working. Plus usually when I came home here, it was to a super cute and cuddly looking Suri in asleep my bed so I would just hop in pull her over for a snuggle and crash out. There was hardly time to get the hover out and the cleaner won't come in here as she refused to clean my room since I was a kid. Actually I've improved a lot compared to then," he said quite proud of himself.

"How bad were you?"

"Typical smelly teen, clothes on the floor, half eaten pizza, joints, beer, bongs and..."

"You did drugs!" I said astonished. I would never have guessed it.

"Yeah I'm not as goodie two shoes as you think. My daughter changed me a lot. I had to grow up fast," he replied.

"I'm hardly innocent myself. I still had the odd smoke before the twins were born," I said remembering how Paul used to smoke before bed so he could sleep. Most of the time he was wasted on the sofa so I would leave him there and be annoyed in the morning when the house smelt of weed.

"Do you miss it?" he asked.

"No I only did it because everyone else was and I thought it made me cool. Almost a challenge to myself to handle it when everyone else was pulling a whitey and I was still awake and partying. The amount of times I found friend passed out in the bathroom and instead of helping we drew on them and facebooked the pictures."

Lee laughed, "Yeah Glenn was a bit of a light weight and I did that to him but my mother soon taught me the error of my ways."

I grimaced.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें