Chapter 11 - MAE DAY

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Three days later I was revisited by the officer who came to the hospital. He stood there looking solemn and I expected him to tell me that Stephanie was going to get away with it. Instead he said something that made my blood run cold so fast I felt numb.

"I'm afraid we are going to have to arrest you for criminal damage," he said unable to meet my gaze.

Bowdie stepped forward concerned and asked why.

"The owner of the vehicle wishes to press charges for damage to her vehicle. She is also trying to get you arrested for assault saying she was hiding in the car as she feared for her life, and that you tried to smash the window open with a beer bottle, which you then used to slash her tyres and scratch the car. She claims having to drive away from the scene on a punctured tyre which was a risk not only to herself but others on the street as it could have blown out and took her into a line of traffic."

She was right, I thought, it was reckless and I didn't think of the danger to others.

"I'll get my coat," I said trying not to cry as my bottom lip drew in a line and my eyes stung. I would not cry over this bitch, I would not give her the satisfaction.

"Can you give us one moment?" Bowdie asked and led me by the arm into the kitchen.

I couldn't look him in the eye and the fight against the tears was getting worse. I took several deep breaths.

"I am going to call Lee," he said.

"No," I replied. "This is my fault, I will take responsibility."

"Do you need me to pull Suri away from her TV programme so you can see her face again?" he asked annoyed. "You go with the officer, and I will watch the children but do not say anything until your Legal representative gets there. Do you understand?"

"I have nothing to hide; they know what I did someone filmed it on their camera..."

"You do not say a word!" Bowdie snapped. "She is trying to fuck you over. This is just another move on her part to ruin Suri's life. You keep your mouth shut for the sake of that child and the babies."

"Ok," I nodded.

"Listen to me," he said placing a hand on either side of my arms. "Do not give in."

I nodded and moved away as a few tears escaped. I quickly regained control by looking out of the window, drawing in a few deep breaths and wiping them away as though they didn't exist.

The officer arrested me 'officially' and was happy not to use his cuffs as I wasn't about to run. I was ok leaving until Suri noticed and her anxiety of being apart from me started off a screaming fit.

"I'll be back in the minute," I shouted as Bowdie held onto her. He had already made his phone call whilst I was arrested.

By the time we got to the station I was told my legal representative was here and reviewing the case file. Blimey that was quick.

I was processed which meant, mug shot, finger prints, dna swab and feeling humiliated as I was put in a cell to await interview.

I didn't have to wait too long before I was led through for interview and was not surprised when my representative was the same man who had brought the adoption papers over for me to sign that day. Adoptions usually take years, mine was somehow fast tracked and still I had this feeling 'don't ask, you won't like the answers' buzzing through my body. I had been a pawn in this game since the moment my sister died and with the insight that her death may be at the hands of another I was playing along, as I also had the feeling that my 'long game' was going to get me what I wanted and I would get revenge for my sister and Suri.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now