Chapter 47 MAE DAY

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I took a few deep breaths and made my way back out.

"The tagine is done," Conrad called excited. "Quick come have a seat Mae."

"If you sit down at that table to eat the romantic meal with my wife whilst I feed your baby, I will eat the baby," Lee threatened.

"Go for it, I have nine others," Conrad replied.

"Can't you just take your baby and go home," Lee complained.

"No I am baby sitting the twins..."

"No you're not, they pooed and you gave up," Lee reminded him.

"Yeah but they are sleeping now and I can handle that," he said.

"You are not being left alone with them and you are not staying here," Lee replied. "You can't be trusted with them or your own."

"Trust me with your babies or I will make you remember fucking Stephanie," Conrad replied, shrugging as though it meant nothing for him to do it.

"You do that and I will get Suri to transfer the memory to you, with you taking my role and then tell your wife you had an affair," Lee replied.

"Bastard, you double bastard. That is a good threat, Suri would do it too," Conrad said conceding.

"I can't believe you even went there," I said to Conrad referring to mentioning Stephanie.

"I didn't Lee did and she'd slept with a lot of people, it must have felt like throwing a sausage down an alley," he replied.

"Shut up!" Lee replied exasperated.

"What all I'm saying is she'd been around a lot and more than likely had a chuff like a wizards sleeve," he replied. "Mae's not much better, she is too skinny and boney. You should be thanking me for interrupting your planned shag-athon. It would be like sticking your dick in a bag of spanners, you should hold off until you fatten her up a bit."

I belted him with a cushion.

"Owww, you got me with the zip," he cried grabbing his eye and rolling into a ball. I slapped his arse for good measure. "Owwww that stung!" he yelp. "Do it again," he teased making me laugh as he wrestled me to the floor and pretended to eat me.

"What the hell are you doing?" a female voice called. Conrad froze!

"He's pretending to eat my wife and refusing to leave," Lee replied as Conrad jumped up quick as lightening.

"Hi honey!"

"What have you been told about playing with your food?" replied the very Alanis Morrisette looking woman in front of me.

"I wouldn't eat her, there is fuck all on her," Conrad protested. "I could use her bones to make a nice broth thought."

"You must be Mae, I'm Nula," she said offering a hand to help me up.

"Thank you," I replied straightening up. "Pleased to meet you."

"It appears my husband is being annoying," she said glaring at him.

This was my chance for revenge.

"Yeah I can understand why you only want him near you when you are on heat... was it on heat?" I asked Conrad whose jaw dropped.

"It is an arranged marriage, they had to find someone who was a slave to their hormones otherwise he'd never get laid," she replied.

I laughed but not as loud as Lee.

"Well you deserve a medal," I replied.

"Even when I am on heat I can't stand him near me. He just waffles on and has the attention span of a fish."

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now