Chapter 62 - MAE DAY

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I went straight to my room when we got home and sat on the bed just staring into space. Lee hadn't said hello or comment that I looked nice. He had basically told me to leave as he had no time and didn't appreciate me being there without an appointment. We should have called him. He is busy and had hardly any sleep. Plus I have been a total human pain in his lion butt. Still I couldn't help but feel totally rejected and pissed off that I would have to book an appointment to see my own husband.

I couldn't bear the thought of facing him again. That familiar feeling began to consume me when I split up with a guy. My barriers coming up and thinking fine you don't want me, well I'm not going to force you.

"I'll leave your shopping bags here," Uncle said appearing.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Are you ok? Is there anything I can get you or do for you?" he asked as polite as always.

"Can I stay in another room?" I asked not wanting to put my clothes in a wardrobe with Lee.

"Mae, you are married and it would be improper of me to give you a room away from your husband."

I nodded, I understood and it was not fair to put him in a difficult position because of me.

"We can have some lunch outside if you want," he offered.

I nodded.

"I'll go get it started. Ham salad with fresh crusty bread?"

I nodded.

"See you downstairs," he said and left.

I sat there for a few minutes more and thanked god I didn't have a phone as this was the point I usually sent a 'you wanker' message to boyfriends.

I went to the bathroom. Catching my pathetic expression in the mirror. Why was I dressed up like this? I looked like Stephanies reject sister!

I walked out and took the clothes off. Putting them in a bag with all the others and hiding them in the bottom of the wardrobe. I put my old stuff back on, removed my make up, scraped my hair back in a ponytail and went down to lunch.

Uncle was out on the lawn reading his paper and sipping some coffee. He looked up as I walked over. Doing a double take at my appearance, which made me worry that I was appearing ungrateful for the money he had spent on me.

"Lee would like you to call him," he said passing me his phone and returning to his paper and coffee. "Just press redial."

It was the last thing I wanted to do but I couldn't be rude and it seemed more like an order than request. I picked up the phone and pressed redial.

"Hello," Lee answered.

I couldn't bring myself to say a word. Not even hello.

"Mae, is that you?" he asked.

Again I couldn't speak. My tongue had gone into retirement.

"I'm sorry," he said deciding the silence was me. "I thought you were here with Uncle to press for a divorce. I reacted badly. I am sorry."

A divorce, why would he think that?

"The last time we spoke before all the recent madness you said you wanted a divorce, didn't love me and never could. I doubt that recent events have changed your mind and more than likely cemented it. I assumed the worst and I apologise."

I suppose he was right, that was our last conversation and I had been through a lot. I seemed to be shielded from the horror of that at the moment. No doubt spelled but I remembered enough of it to understand his concern.

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