Chapter 54 - Mae Day

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I tried to lift my head as the foul stench of the floor burnt my nose and eyes. I started to cough and choke as my throat realised how dry it was and the fumes were toxic.

"Urgh she has an infection. Humans and their germs... urgh!"

"Drag her through here and get those clothes off her. No one wants to see their meal dressed in that."

"You clean her. I am not touching her."

"Don't be an idiot. Put her in the back. I'm sure if we fatten her up we can get a good price later."

I was dragged along the ground, my hip catching on a step as I was hauled into a room.

"Here get that shit off you," the voice said and chucked a bucket of freezing cold water over my head, causing me to catch my breath before starting to choke again.

"What is your name human?"

"," I spluttered still trying to clear my eyes. Everything was blurry I couldn't see a thing.

"I'll check the list and see who ordered you," he said leaving.

It was only then I realised it was not water he had thrown on me but piss. A bucket of wee! Stinging my cuts and burning my eyes, nose and throat. I tried to feel around in desperation for a cloth or water to clean them. I felt something cold and sticky like glue so shook my hand to get rid of it and scrambled around for something else as my eyes felt full of grit. I finally felt a cloth and pulled it towards me, hearing a sliding sound as I dragged it and pictured it being in a wash basket or something. I wiped my eyes with the material. It stunk to high heavens and immediately grew stronger as though I had pulled the lid off something rotten. Was it muslin on cheese or meat...I started to get sick as the fumes got the better of me again.

"What the hell is going on? Leave them bodies alone," a voice said pulling me up in the air till my legs dangled like a child.

"My eyes," I said hanging there exhausted.

One minute I was in the air, the next I was being held under water and drowning. My eyes popping open in horror as I fought for breath and flayed my arms and legs everywhere.

"Better?" a voice asked and turned me to face it.... I screamed hysterically. "Yes that's right human I am a troll."

I screamed with all my might at the giant in front of me. Huge nose, rotting teeth and eyes that bore holes into my soul. I screamed again before being thrown to the floor and trying to scramble away but banged into something. I looked up at what I had hit, a pile of human remains. Torso's, limb, heads, hands, feet... my eyes flicked to place I was at before. A womans lower half in a long skirt was what I had dragged towards me and used to wipe my eyes.

I screamed as I scrambled back into a corner.

"Keep the noise down!" someone yelled.

"It's not my fault you said bring her out here!" the troll called back.

"Take her downstairs to storage! She'll make less noise there."

"I thought you wanted to fatten her up. She'll die down there."

"I've changed my mind. I can't be bothered, lets just strip her down, price her up and stick her with the rest," another troll said appearing.

"I bet you, her left leg, that she doesn't last the night down there."

"She might surprise you."

"No way there will be nothing left of her by tomorrow."

"So I'll sell her bones. Her pelvis has not bore any children, her skull has wonderful structure and her feet look delicious. Not forgetting the money we will make from her hair, skin and nail. It's a shame she isn't bigger, human fat is selling quicker than we can harvest it."

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu