Chapter 32 MAE DAY

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The closer I got to home the more relief I felt. I didn't stop for anything other than petrol and paid at the pump. A couple of hours later I was lucky to have just enough petrol to make it back to the house we had run from not so long ago. It was cold and dark but I turned the lights and the fire in the front room to make it feel more like home again. Drew the curtains and settled the kids back in. Luckily Wendy hadn't got around to packing stuff up as I hadn't sent her a message to tell her where we were yet or contacted an agent to sell the house.

I messaged her.

'I am home. Yes, home. Long story which requires wine and comfort food to tell.'

She replied.

'Home! Fucking hell... this gossip had best to be good. Be around in a twenty mins with wine. Do you need anything else?'

I smiled. I needed her to come around more than I had realised. I had missed her!

'I have nothing in so milk to make tea would be good.'

'On way. The kids have been brats today and still up. They are total horrors so playing with Suri and the twins might knacker them out for bed. How have the kids been?'

'Don't even get me started on Suri!' I text back.

I told Suri they were on the way, she was hysterical with excitement and when they arrived they hugged and screamed more than me and Wendy.

"I picked you up some essentials like bread, butter, milk and stuff. Kids get your sweets," she said handing them out as Suri bopped up and down with her hand out waiting for hers. "I hear you've been naughty," Wendy said. Suri nodded. "Well lets try to be good from now on ok?" she said. Suri nodded and took her sweets.

I found the wine in the bag and grinned.

"Three for £10," she said. "Hubby is picking us up at the end of his shift so we can get rat arsed. Well I can but you have babies so you will just have to watch me and learn."

"How did you get here if you didn't drive?"

"Nigel next door dropped us," she said. Nigel was a taxi driver.

"Ohhh look at my babies," she said taking a look at the twins. "They are huge! And where are you tubes Willow?"

"Willow is all better," I said proudly. Willow squealed and bounced up and down in her walker.

"Get the wine I need to hear everything," Wendy said excited.

I filled the glasses as she cuddled the babies and fixed us some nibbly bits she had brought like chorizo, hummus, olives and everything else smelly.

"So what's the goss?" she asked as we sat down.

"Mummy married Daddy!" Suri yelled excited.

Wendys head flipped from Suri to me to see if she was joking. My face of shame said no.

"Oh my god!" she said stunned.

There were several seconds of silence before her eyes fell to my ring finger and saw the ring I for some reason hadn't even noticed.

"Bloody hell that ring is amazing!" she said grabbing my hand as I thought the same. "It is so you."

I nodded as it was.

"Silver not gold, celtic and vintage vibe going on and diamonds... wow!" she said echoing my thoughts. "Why do I feel you are more in shock than I am? And where is the groom?" she asked.


"Wait what happened to the bitch?" she asked leaning forward eager to hear.

"We had a fight."

"You are crap at fighting, did you get battered whilst pulling her hair?" she asked.

"No, not entirely but I don't think I won either," I said trying to remember.

"But she got the message to back off and then you swooped in and stole her man?" she asked.

"Mummy and daddy made a baby but it died and lives with Auntie April and Uncle Glenn now," Suri said.

"Suri, shhh," I said annoyed at her big mouth.

I closed the dining room doors so we could talk, I could still see the twins through the glass panes but it would stop Suri from interfering.

"When did you sleep with Lee?" she asked like I was holding out on her.

"About a month ago but I didn't remember..."

"Drunk sex, fantastic!" she said assuming and I figured it was best to let her believe that. "And you caught pregnant?" she said with a sympathetic face.

I nodded and started to cry.

"Oh come here silly," she said rushing around the table to hug me. "When did you lose the baby."

"Yesterday," I sobbed.

"Are you ok?" she asked moving back to look me over.

"Physically, yeah," I sniffled.

"Did you get married in a rush because of the baby?"

"Sort of."


"Yesterday," I started to cry again.

"Oh fuck, losing the baby on your wedding day. I bet it is all the stress you are under and fighting with thingy. Plus weddings are so stressful, remember mine I coined the term Bridezilla," she hugged me tight.

"Daddy!" Suri yelled and I heard the front door close.

Oh my god he was here and she let him in!

"Aaaaaa," the twins yelled and bounced up and down in their walkers as he walked into the front room with Suri in his arms. I didn't know what to do but when Willow shoved her walker forward and managed to hurry towards him I realised that without him she would still be ill and even though Bay was a few seconds behind her, he followed suit and headed toward Lee excited.

"Mae, there is a sex god in your front room," Wendy said quietly as she stared at Lee through the glass as he kissed the babies 'hello'.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. What the hell do I do now?

"Hi I'm Wendy," she said opening the doors to let him in the dining room.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Lee," he replied politely.

"My daddy," Suri said. "And he's come to live with us because they got married! Ahhhh I am so excited!"

All the kids joined in and to my horror Wendy was swooning her ass off at Lee as Suri hugged him tight with excited.

"I'll get you a glass for some wine and we can toast the wedding," Wendy said rushing off into the kitchen. "Take a seat!"

Oh fuck!

"Go play," Lee said to Suri and the others.

Lee pulled the chair out beside me. "Did you forget something?" he asked. "Say a husband."

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now