Chapter 39 MAE DAY

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"You are the accuser?"

"Yes," Stephanie replied trying to look confident but obviously scared.

"I will taste your blood," the man said and put out a hand.

Stephanie stepped back and hid her arm behind her back.

"I'm sorry did I make that sound like a request, let me rephrase it."

Stephanie screamed as she flew through the air towards him and landed smack against his body. One swift move and her head came off in his hand, blood gushing up into his face as he stuck his huge mouth over it and drained her like a bottle of water, everyone gasped. He tossed her body into the crater and licked his lips.

"Yes as expected. She messed with Suri to bring her powers on and led to her distress, punishment and loss of another parent. I won't stand for that. Suri is my linage, I should have noticed the new draw of power but was distracted by other tasks. I will arrange her tuition. Lee the animal she used to attack your wife has been destroyed, it had served its purpose she saw no point in keeping it around. It does however have young, Conrad you will fetch them and find someone to raise them. She also tried to spell your father for his seed but doesn't know you can't spell a married Grayson into cheating. A Grayson will only stray from the fold if the wife rejects him. It was a good thing I disposed of her, your mother would have killed her either way and I had no choice, plus I was thirsty after the humans blood. I couldn't let her live after stealing your seed and killing an heir. I must set an example. She wasn't in this endeavour alone and it was well hidden. There are a group of conspirators and they are responsible for far more deaths than we realise including your first wife and your brother."

"What are we to do?" Lee asked.

"The human is to return to her life."

"Noo, she is my wife," Lee protested.

"She is a human. She is not built for this world and it is unfair to bring her into it. We protect them and that means she returns to her life. You will raise Suri. Your parents the twins."

"We are already with child," Lee father announced.

"Congratulations. A spare heir is always necessary and often a comfort when you lose a child."

"Congratulations father," Lee said mournfully.

"We didn't want to say anything given the current circumstances," his father replied.

Lee nodded and fought back the tears.

"We are not replacing Glenn. We are creating a new Grayson," he said to Lee.

"I know," Lee replied.

"We had hoped your child would be here to play along side it and for that we are sorry."

Lee nodded as tears fell.

"I will give you a few minutes to say your goodbyes and I will fix this mess..."

"Please I am begging you, don't take her from me and the children. We love her," Lee pleaded.

"Lee you love her as a friend, a mother, a confidant. You are not in love with her. Let somebody else have a chance to make her happy. A normal life, with human issues, human relationship and human babies. Don't destroy her in our world for your own self means."

"I do love her," Lee argued.

"As friends with benefits, Lee. That is what you call it nowadays right."

"No, you are wrong. We are friends yes, and we are lovers but it very new as we have been kept apart. Let us spend more time together and test my heart again you will see."

"I already see it clearly. She doesn't love you that way either. Yes there is attraction but you are both lonely and it is easy to fall into bed with each other. Love is a desire, a desperation that consumes you to the point you will break every law, every barrier to be with that person and give up anything and everything to be with them. Are you willing to give up Suri to be with her?"

"No! And she wouldn't ask me to do that. She loves Suri."

"She was compelled to love her. To protect her."

"No, she wasn't."

"Your mother did it Lee."

"No, you're wrong she loves me," Lee cried. "She loves Suri and the babies."

"Cubs are too much for her to handle. She will go back to her life. Now go say goodbye or I will send her without it."

I hurried back to my chair having snuck over to watch Stephanie get dealt with. That is a sight that would haunt me forever. Now I was to go home. It was what I had wanted, wasn't it... but now I didn't know. I stroked Suri's face and wondered if I could have been compelled to look after her.

"Mae," Lee said making me look up. He had tried to dry his eyes to hide the tears but they were puffy, tear stained and red.

I stood and passed him Suri.

"I heard," I told him as he struggled to find the words. I walked into the hallway and fetched my coat, picking up my car keys and handbag. I slid the wedding ring off my finger and placed it in the key bowl. Leaving was easier than expected and I suspected a spell as it felt similar to when I got married but I had control of my body. I just need to pick up my things and leave, the other items are replaceable and a hotel is not far. I can go back to Uni and work in a bar like before. I can come and go as I please without kids to haul around and nappies to change. Sleep through the night and watch adult tv.

"Goodbye Mae," Uncle said appearing behind Lee.

"Goodbye," I said giving him a smile as I felt like I was going off on some big adventure and was full of excitement. "Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome," he said looking towards Lee.

"Take care Cookie Monster," I said to Lee as my hand reached the door handle.

"And you, Mae Day," he replied, trying to smile but not quite making it as he hugged his daughter to him.

I walked outside and started up the car, taking off up the road and planning my life. It was going to be brilliant!

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें