yunho pt1? // "why haven't i proposed yet?"

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i didn't proof read sorry 😕it's like 1am i'm tired

you stared at the same computer screen you had been looking at for hours, your eyes were so strained. working in an office kind of sucked.. but at least your boyfriend of 4 years, and father of your 2 year old daughter yunho worked there with you! you had met him there when you first applied for the job, he is the manager in your section of the office so he gave you a tour too. no matter how great it was having yunho with you in the office, people still managed to make it hell for you working there. people would say that you got a raise for sleeping with the boss, that you get special treatment, and one girl is clearly jealous that you're with yunho. i mean he is handsome asf so it's understandable.. but still frustrating!

you were standing in the break room staring out of the window and sipping your coffee, when someone barged you from behind causing you to spill it everywhere.

"can you fucking move?!" she screamed in your face

you wanted to make a remark but you were too tired to fight back today, your headache was already killing you. you quickly moved out of her way to the napkins and started wiping your shirt.

"that's what i thought.. bitch" she whispered but emphasised the "bitch" so you could hear it.

you sighed and made your way out of the break room to your work cubicle, you stared into the mirror on your desk and whined looking at the coffee on your shirt. you heard footsteps behind you and felt hands on your shoulders.

"what's wrong babe?" yunho said as he rotated your chair to face him

"i spilled coffee on my shirt.." you whimpered, looking at the floor

he opened his mouth to speak when your saw someone leaning on your cubicle and twisting her hair around her finger looking at yunho

"hey yunh- ew y/n is that shit on your shirt?" she screamed pretending to be disgusted, she then started gagging

you slumped back in your chair covering your face with your hands and sighed, she really did make your job seem like hell. you hated her so much, it would feel great to just slap her in the face. you considered it for a second but decided you want to keep your job, especially since christmas was just around the corner.

"no it's not... waste it's just coffee." yunho said grabbing your hand and pulling you up from the chair. he pulled your over so your head was leaning on his shoulder.

this angered her, she waited until someone was walking behind her and threw herself at yunho pretending to fall over. she wrapped her hands around his neck to "steady herself".

you wanted to retaliate but you felt too tired so you just grabbed your cardigan from your chair and walked out of the office, yunho struggled his way out of her grip and followed behind you.

"y/n wait up!" he exclaimed as his jogged after you

you kept walking until you reached your car door, you unlocked it and climbed in without thinking. you rested your head on the head rest behind you and sighed, yunho climbed in shortly after you and grabbed your hand.

"hey, look at me.. y/n" he whispered

you turned to face him instinctively and stared into his eyes.

"god why haven't i proposed to you yet.." he whispered while staring back into your eyes.

your cheeks turned red and you looked down embarrassed, you had been together for 4 years and everytime you got flustered you still acted shy.

[time skip, you're out of the car now ok i didn't know what to write]

on your way back into the building yunho got down on one knee and stared at you, you had no idea what he was doing but.. he got down on one knee so your mind jumped to a conclusion.

"y/n.. could you wait for me while i tie my shoelace?"

you stared at him for a few seconds before turned around and starting to walk away.

"i hate you." you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, you heard him chasing after you.

"HEY WAIT! what's the big deal my shoelace was untied!"

"hold on you didn't think i was.. proposing right?"
he said trying to hold in his laughter

"ohhh no! how could i have thought that? that's crazy!" you both laughed, he took your hand in his and swung your hands back and fourth as you entered the building again.

maybe this day could get better after all.

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