hongjoong // late night vlive

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i checked the clock, 12:34am. hongjoong should be home any minute now, i am determined to stay awake. i sat up and leaned my head on the padded headboard of our shared bed and sighed, hongjoong must be exhausted. he leaves at around 9 and comes back between midnight and 1am, sometimes even 2am. at least i know that he is happy in his current position as leader of a kpop group called 'ATEEZ'. i started to think about his reaction when he came home to see me awake, unaware of my eyes slowly fluttering closed, then suddenly everything went dark.

hongjoong pov <——

i opened the front door trying to minimise the noise as much as possible, i wasn't trying to wake up y/n if she even is asleep. she normally is but occasionally she tries to stay up and surprise me, those are my favourite nights. i laid out my belongings on the sofa and went to look in our bedroom, she was lying there sound asleep on our bed.
"out like a light" i mumbled making myself laugh quietly as i headed to the kitchen, that's when i was distracted by a knock on the door. who would knock at this hour?

i opened the door to see wooyoung and san standing at the door smiling at me, i stared at them blankly, extremely confused.
"what are you guys doing here? in your pajamas? right after dance?" i sighed and face palmed while shaking my head
"we smelt your food.. somehow?" san said cheerfully
"what i'm not cooking anything?!" i said sort of whisper-shouting
"well will you be cooking anything?" wooyoung said, smiling at me
"probably i'm really hung-"
"okay perfect let's do a cooking vlive!" wooyoung said, cutting me off and walking past me into the apartment.
"yay vlive!" san screeched while following wooyoung into the kitchen.
god i hope y/n doesn't wake up...

i watched from the living area as san and wooyoung raided the cabinets for ingredients, they were trying to decide what meal they wanted to make and were arguing the whole time. they finally settled on a recipe they found and started to lay everything out where they had set up their phone, they called me over and told me to sit down in between them so that "i couldn't escape"... i would just climb over the table to escape them at this point. as soon as i sat down they began the vlive and we waited for people to join, we all stared at the camera awkwardly smiling until there was a satisfying amount of viewers.

"hello atiny!" san screamed at the top of his lungs which made me stare at him with wide eyes, i poked him before mouthing the word "y/n" which made his eyes become wide with realisation and he nodded at me with sympathy before carrying on with what he was doing.

y/n pov <———

i woke up to the sound of yelling and laughing somewhere in the apartment, i glanced at the clock next to me and then to the space next to me to see that hongjoong was not there. he must have brought people over.. at like 2am..? i opened the bedroom door to look for who was here when i saw hongjoong, wooyoung and san making food at the counter. i didn't think much of it so i started to walk over, then i saw that i was in view of the camera that they had in front of them. i immediately recognised this as vlive. i quickly made my way back to the bedroom and shutting the door behind me. people knew i was dating hongjoong, it's just that some of them don't like that, and i know appearing on camera will only make it worse.

hongjoong pov<———

i glanced back down at my phone to read the comments and saw that people started talking about y/n:
"WAS THAT Y/N?!" one commenter wrote
"can y/n say hi?"
"why is y/n there 😐"
"can we speak to y/n?"
"y/n and hongjoong can you adopt me plz"

i turned around to where they said that they saw y/n but was met with the bedroom door, still closed. if y/n was there i wouldn't have been able to hear her because of wooyoung and sans constant bickering anyway! i quickly excused myself and made my way over to the bedroom door, poking my head around to see y/n sitting on the bed, a blanket draped over her while she was occupied on her phone. i approached her quickly and pulled her in for a hug since i hadn't seen her for hours, she quickly hugged me back before pulling away to look at her phone. she lifted the phone to show her watching the vlive
"i'm watching your livestream" she said with a smile before lowering the phone back into her view
"i think you were accidentally in the livestream too" i said, raising an eyebrow at her
"oh.. well i didn't mean to!" she said, looking at me apologetically
"i know you didn't silly, people know that we are dating" i said, taking a seat next to her on the bed
"yeah but i don't wanna make a big deal out of it.." she said, fidgeting with her hands awkwardly
"we keep it quite secret don't we?" i said turning my head to look at her
"yeah we do! i just don't want hate." she said looking back at me
"no matter how much hate we get it won't make me hate you or anything!"
"now let's go and join wooyoung and sans cooking show!" i said making y/n laugh

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