yunho // "are you mad at me?"

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hello i wrote this on a piece of paper in detention so now i'm copying it down here 💔
i walked into mine and yunho's shared bedroom to check what he was doing, of course, still playing video games with mingi and san online.. he would go quiet for a while and then scream at them over his headphones.

"yunho?" i said from behind him softly trying to get his attention "i'm gonna try to get sleep can you tone it down a little?" i guess he didn't hear me.

"WOAH MINGI I THINK HE IS HACKING!" he screamed at the top of his lungs and letting out a high pitched laugh after

i slowly made my way over to the bed, pulling the duvet back. i grabbed one of my pj shirts and quickly changed into it. i then turned off my lamp and laid in bed resting my head on the soft pillow, the bed felt empty without yunho there though but i'm so tired i don't care too much. i felt my eyes slowly starting to close when i was woken by someone yelling,

"SAN!!! MINGI!!! JOIN MY LOBBY NOW!!!" yunho screamed into his headphones, i shot up from my pillow and stared at him, he still hadn't acknowledged me. maybe i should sleep on the sofa or something... i slowly walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, he looked at me and took his headphones off his ears.

"yes?" he said as he looked at me

"can you quiet down in trying to sleep?"

"oh sure" he quickly put his headphones back on and carried on playing

he was quiet for a few minutes before i heard his shouting again, i decided i wasn't going to be able to get any sleep so i left the room and went to sleep downstairs. i had been laying there for a while when i heard footsteps coming down the stairs, i glanced up and saw yunho

"do you want water?" he said as he stopped on his way to the kitchen

"no" i quickly replied with my eyes shut, trying to get to sleep

"are you mad at me?" he said after being silent for a while

"no" i sternly replied, turning over to look at the clock. it was 1am already, maybe i was a little mad.

"well why are you downstairs?" he said, still standing by the kitchen door

"because i'm trying to sleep" i groaned and pushed my face into the cushion, as he shrugged and walked off into the kitchen. after a few minutes my eyes finally shut on their own and i was able to fall asleep, i was awoken 10 minutes later by yunho picking me up

"what are you doing?!" i said clinging onto him

"i'm taking you up to bed, the sofa isn't comfy." he said confidently

"but it's quiet downstairs! there's no xbox downstairs!" i sighed, annoyed

"i will be really quiet!" he said innocently

"or just turn it off.." i said waiting for a response, but there was none. i coughed and repeated myself again.

"okay fine... i won't let an xbox ruin a 3 year relationship.." he said placing me on the bed as he turned around to pick a new shirt to change into. i quickly climbed back into the comfy bed and lay my head on the pillow, it's so soft compared to the sofa cushions.. i said to myself in my head when i was interrupted by the bed dipping next to me.

"see isn't this much better than playing video games?" i said enthusiastically, he moved closer and draped his hand over my waist, humming comfortably as a response

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