yunho // "we are just drunk"

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y/n walked into the familiar building that she went to work in everyday, searching for a co worker that she likes to talk to, i admit there weren't that many.
she quickly made her way over to the table of beverages where she spotted a familiar face. she approached him, doing a small wave to gain his attention. his eyes parted from who he was currently talking to and a smile plastered across his face enthusiastically.

"fancy seeing you here, miss introvert!" he said laughing a little, a smile growing on his face
"i just felt like having a change you know? also i didn't wanna go to another party so i used this is an excuse" she said awkwardly, not trying to make it too obvious that she didn't want to be there.
yunho approached her and leaned back on the table like she was, his hand only a few centimetres from hers. occasionally their hands would meet for a few seconds, causing her cheeks to grow red, she shook it off quickly as she knew it was wrong. she had a boyfriend, i admit it is not a stable relationship but she didn't wanna be called a cheater.

her relationship was quite complicated in many ways, first off she had not really wanted to be with him but she felt pressured to do so. despite her mostly regretting it there were times where she didn't so much. her parents mainly wanted her to get with him so that both families could be on good terms, she had met his parents, they were nice i guess. but definitely not worth being forced into a relationship for.

she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, distracting her from whatever yunho was ranting about.
"i have to go the bathroom" she said before rushing over to the bathroom and locking herself in a cubicle, all without saying a word. being able to guess who it's from, she took a deep breath before opening the message. she saw the missed call notifications piled up along with angry messages from him, her partner. she sighed before reading a few of them,
"i didn't say you could go out tonight?"
"where are you?"
"what type of girlfriend does this?"
"i knew i shouldn't have dated you in the first place"
she sat there for what seemed like hours, gathering her thoughts, waiting until she was strong enough mentally to leave her current position. when she had contained all her emotions she slowly made her way out of the bathroom, bumping into someone on the way out.

"i'm sorry-" she mumbled, looking up at the person only to see yunho looking down at her with concern in his eyes.
"oh hey i was looking for you are you okay?!" he said gripping one of her arms
"i think i'm just gonna leave" she said, looking at him with a blank expression
"what? why?" yunho said, loosening his grip on her arm slightly
"i don't know where i'm gonna go yunho..." i said, falling onto him, laying my head on his chest. tears started to escape my eyes but i let them fall, it's good to finally have someone to talk to about this.
"let's get out of here, you don't want them to see you crying. let's go outside." yunho said softly, leading me to the exit of the building and towards his car.
"how'd you get here?" yunho asked, noticing that my car wasn't there
"i walked" i said, shrugging slightly at him before getting into the passenger side of his car and taking a seat. he looked at me shocked for a second before following me into the car and fastening his seatbelt, after a few minutes of silence and driving i decided to ask where we were going.
"where are we going yunho?" i said, staring at the road ahead of us
"to your place right?" he said as his eyes were also fixated on the road
"no what the fuck!? TAKE ME TO YOUR PLACE!" i exclaimed at him causing him to flinch back in fear
"okay i will but why?" he said, tilting his head slightly as a way of expressing his confusion
"well number one if the guy i'm with sees you he will beat your ass and mine! second of all, i cannot stand being with him any longer and three... i don't know i just wanna go somewhere else" i said, slumping back in my chair.

we pulled into yunho's driveway and i admired how pretty his house looked at night, it was pretty well kept for someone like him. i followed behind him as he entered the house and set his jacket and keys down, turning to me and smiling.
"sorry i would've cleaned if i knew i would have company" he said with a welcoming smile on his face to hide his embarrassment
"it's really clean actually, cleaner than my house." i laughed out of embarrassment before quickly shaking it off. i made my way over to his giant sofa, laying down in the corner seat, legs resting on it too. i smiled at how comfortable i was when i felt my eyes slowly fluttering shut.

i was awoken by a blanket being placed on me by yunho, i smiled at him slightly, eyes still shut. i saw him start to walk away and i started to pout at him,
"yunho..." i called out softly, causing him to turn around and look at me with confusion
"hmm?" he hummed in confusion, stopping in his tracks
"come here please" i said with both my arms out, pulling him into a hug as soon as he got close enough
"yunho..." i called out again, causing him to stare at me again. without thinking i suddenly pulled yunho in for a kiss, pushing one of my hands through his hair in the process.
"oh.. i'm sorry" i said as i just realised what i did, waking up a little
"we are just drunk right? we will forget about this in the morning" i said, trying to reassure yunho and myself that this was nothing
"uh, i'm not drunk. are you?" yunho asked, staring at me with wide eyes
"shit..." i said, realising that i had just kissed yunho. realising that i was sober, meaning that i wanted this. i mean i did want this... my partner can never find out.

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