mingi pt3 // "how can i be mad?"

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no proof read 😕 yall i accidentally put this video here how do i remove it help? it won't stop playing on loop pls help me please omfg

"i'm pregnant.. with your baby." you said looking into his eyes

"are you serious?" his expression dropped and his eyes widened

"it's mine?" he said

"yes it's your baby.." you said sighing

"please don't be mad" you said pouting at him

"how can i be mad? it's my baby! it's my responsibility too! WHAT'S THE GENDER?!"

"wait.. you're not mad?" you asked looking at him

"NO I AM NOT MAD!" he let go of your hands and started jumping up and down "IS IT A BOY OR GIRL Y/N?!"

you laughed at him jumping around,

"you can't know the gender until 18 weeks mingi! it's been 2 days!"

he dropped to the floor and started whining,

"how are we gonna buy the baby clothes then?" he ran over to the sofa where you were and started to hug you, he placed his hand on your stomach and smiled at you. maybe this wasn't just a one time hookup after all.

(ima start doing time skips, don't worry they won't be bad like the one in true beauty 🤬)

[18 weeks]

you were going to find out the gender of your baby today, you and mingi snuck out of school at lunch to do it. mingis parents were back from their trip now, they didn't mind you staying with them since they were very accepting of your teen pregnancy since both of you were very responsible. your parents were a whole different story, they screamed at you and told you to wait outside while they packed all your stuff and threw it out of the door behind you before calling you a whore and slamming the door shut.
that night you broke down crying for the first time infront of mingi, he quickly cheered you up by telling you that he's gonna save to buy an apartment for both of you. he also said he didn't want you having a stressful pregnancy because it can affect the baby.

you made your way into the doctors office ready for your scan, the nurse came into the room and told you everything that would happen, you thanked her and she went and called for a doctor.

"i'm so excited!!" mingi squealed clutching onto your hand and gripping it tightly, he saw a doctor come in and immediately went back to his serious tone.

"hello miss (last name)! before we get started i need to ask some questions is that fine?"

"sure!" you replied

"okay number 1, how old are you?" he said as he raised an eyebrow staring at you

"i.. i am 16!" you said hesitantly and stared out of the window in embarrassment

"alright one more question, how far along is the pregnancy?"

"18 weeks!" mingi interrupted excitedly

"hmm okay, that's all i needed before i started the scan. are you guys ready?"

"YES YES YES!" mingi screamed jumping up and down still holding onto your hand

"let's see.. well it looks like it's a boy!" you heard mingi gasp from next to you and you smiled at him, he had told you that he wanted a boy to "take after his good looks".

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