reaction to you calling them by their full name

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trying reactions 💗


y/n sighed and stared at her computer screen, feeling a little hungry.
"hongjoong!" she yelled, he barged into the room in shock, his mouth open
"what did you just call me?" he said, furrowing his eyebrows and tilting his head a little
"hongjoong can you get me food.. i'm not in the mood for games" y/n whined, leaning back on her chair
"come on.. you know i don't like it when you call me that.." he mumbled, a little embarrassed.
y/n sighed and took a deep breath before speaking
"baby can i have food?" she said quietly, hongjoong giving her a small smile
"of course love!" he said, enthusiastically walking out of the room


"seonghwa.." y/n said, staring at him as he typed on his computer
"oh no.. what did i do this time?" he turned around slowly, a horrified expression on his face
"what do you mean?" y/n said, narrowing her eyes at him
"you never call me that, what happened?" he said, standing up from his chair
"nothing happened!" seonghwa shook his head, denying it
"something happened, what is it?" seonghwa said smugly, laughing at her
"i just wanted to go for a walk with you" y/n said in a confused tone, looking up at seonghwa
"ah okay.. at least call me hwa, alright?" he said, draping one of his arms around her shoulder


yunho placed y/n's ice cream on the table in front of her, smiling brightly
"thanks yunho!" she said, knowing it would wind him up
"huh?" he said in a confused tone, eating a scoop of ice cream
"i said thanks yunho!" she said, shaking her head at him
"who- OH! i got so used to you calling me baby i forgot who yunho was" he said, smacking his forehead
"are you serious?" y/n said in shock, her ice cream falling off the spoon as she froze in shock
"dead serious, anyways no problem y/n" he said, smirking at her
"okay i see why you hate being called yunho now, call me literally anything else but y/n"


"yeosang can we go to the theme park today?" y/n whined, walking over to where he was lying down
"if you hate me you can just say that" he replied, rolling his eyes at her
"uh.. what? have you gone crazy?" y/n said in confusion, staring at him whilst trying to figure out if he's lying or not
"have you?" he answered back quickly, causing y/n to freeze in confusion
"no.. stop playing games with me yeosang!" she said in an angry tone
"ah there it is again.." he said, pulling her onto the bed so she was laying on him
"you need to stop" he said stubbornly whilst stroking her hair


"san can we get another cat?" y/n whined, looking at their current cat in adoration
"what did you call me?" he said, taking his attention off the cat
"san..?" she said, trying to think what she did wrong
"is that cat making your brain forget things? or do you hate me?" he said, crossing his arms
"no and no.." she said, staring at the cat in front of her
"ugh this cat.. you are taking all her attention off of me!" he said, narrowing his eyes at the cat and pointing his finger at it. the cat bit him suddenly sending him flying back onto the floor
"owww! baby the cat bit me!" he screeched causing y/n to laugh
"you shouldn't have been so mean then!" she said, hugging their cat while watching san pout on the floor


"give it back!" y/n yelled, chasing mingi around their living room. he held her phone above his head, screaming while he ran away from her
"mingi give it back now!" she screamed, causing mingi to stop in shock
"what did you call me?!" he said, turning his head to face her
"i said.. give it back mingi!" she yelled, jumping onto his back to try and grab the phone
"what the hell is this? disrespect?" he said, narrowing his eyes at her
"i guess you could call it that.." she mumbled, walking away from him slowly
"wait! don't call me by my full name!" he yelled, chasing after her


"hey y/n" he said whilst yawning, walking into their bedroom
"hey wooyoung" she replied, staring at her computer screen
"what?" he said, turning to her in shock
"what?" she said back, staring at him in confusion
"don't call me that" he said, hanging his jacket up
"you called me y/n!" she replied defensively
"what? I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" he yelled, jumping into the bed next to her and watching her computer screen
"what are we looking at?" wooyoung said, sighing at the writing all over her screen
"my work?" she said, rolling her eyes at him as she scoffed. wooyoung laughed a little causing y/n to stare at him judgementally. he quickly clicked on the close button and started laughing at her.
"WOOYOUNG WHY WOULD YO-" she was cut off by wooyoung placing one of his hands on her mouth


"jongho you wanna come with us?" y/n said, motioning her hand for him to come with her. she was out with him and his friends, they knew they were dating but jongho just preferred to keep is discreet while in public. he stared at y/n awkwardly, then began to slowly nod whilst walking towards them
"what are we going?" he said quietly, looking at y/n
"to the store, we are gonna get food" she said, causing wooyoung to gasp excitedly
"okay let's go!" he said, trying to be enthusiastic

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom!" san said as they got into the store, the others agreed which left y/n and jongho waiting outside. jongho sighed and pouted at her, trying to gain her attention
"what's wrong?" y/n said, checking her surroundings before grabbing his hand comfortingly
"why did you call me jongho?" he said, awkwardly looking at the floor
"because that's your name?" she said in confusion
"but i'm also your boyfriend.." he mumbled, looking up at her again
"hold my hand for the rest of the day and i will stop?" she said, smirking at him

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