hongjoong // "i could get used to this"

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i clenched my stomach as i felt myself slowly becoming even more ravenous for food, i sighed and picked up my hoodie from the chair next to my bed. i slowly walked through the hallway as i memorised which floorboards would squeak and which ones wouldn't. i reached into my pocket to make sure i had my money and set off towards the gas station at the end of my street.

i pushed my hair back as the somewhat violent winds blew at me, as if it was a sign that i should be going back home. i rarely even sneak out, but i was VERY hungry tonight. i pushed open the door slowly, the cashiers head shooting up from where it was resting on the counter, he sighed loudly. i smiled a little and nodded before setting off to the sweets isle in the corner of the shop. after taking my pick i headed towards the counter, placing my items down and grabbing the money out of my pocket.

i admired his features as he rang up my items at the till. his vibrant blue hair was messy and draped over his eyes, causing him to constantly have to turn his head to get the hair out of his eyes. i smiled a little at the sight before i heard him speak up suddenly.
"that's £5.50" he said, leaning on the counter with one hand.
"oh sure, here." i said, awkwardly handing him the money, my hands trembling slightly. i let out a small awkward laugh which he surprisingly returned. he handed me the bag and i nodded as a thank you, i turned around but i felt a hand on my shoulder. i then turned my head to face him in confusion.

"check the receipt before you throw it away there's something you might wanna see" he whispered, causing me to stay silent out of shock.
"okay.." i said before turning and leaving out of the door, catching a glimpse of him staring at me as i walked out.


i threw my shoes into the corner of my room where i normally kept them and slumped down into my pillow. i reached my hand into the plastic bag and pulled out the receipt, which he had purposely put on the top for me to see. as i unrolled it i saw something written down in biro pen with messy handwriting.
"hey, here's my number _______ sorry i didn't get your name. call or text me?"
as i finished reading it i read it again just to be sure that it said what i thought. i immediately reached for my phone out of my pocket and added the number to my contacts, saving it as "gas station guy". my finger hovered over the call button while i hesitated, deciding to text instead.
"hi it's the girl from the gas station" as i pressed enter the "read" notification appeared almost automatically, he must be really bored in his job.
i stared at the screen for a while when suddenly he was calling me, i stared at the screen for a little longer in confusion before picking up.
"hello?" i said into the phone, waiting for his response
"hey!" he replied enthusiastically in response.
we spoke for a long time, when i looked out of the window i realised i had pulled an all nighter. but it's fine because i didn't have work in the morning. i changed his name in my contacts to "hongjoong" since we had agreed to change eachothers contact names.


i sat on my bed, staring out of the window in front of me when i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. i took it out and read a notification that had appeared on my screen:
"hey y/n, wanna meet up today?"
i stared at the phone in disbelief before quickly typing a response
"ofc! where should we go?"
"sure i cant skate though :["
"i can teach u :)"
"ok deal i'll be there at 11!!!"
i quickly closed my phone and walked to my wardrobe to pick an outfit, i settled for something simple since we would just be at the skatepark.
i picked an oversized t-shirt paired with some baggy jeans and grabbed my phone on the way out of the door.


i entered the park only to be engulfed in a big crowd of people, all holding skateboards or bikes. i looked around helplessly when i felt an arm around my waist, as i turned i saw that distinct blue hair from yesterday. i felt him guiding me away from the crowd and to a smaller group of people.
"these are my friends, let me tell you their names. starting from left to right we have mingi, yeosang, jongho, yunho, seonghwa, wooyoung and san"
i smiled at all of them, a little confused as to how a guy who works a night shift has time to make so many friends.
"do you know how to skate?" one said, he was tall and had blonde hair with streaks of different colours dyed into it.
"no not really, i've never tried." i admitted, looking down a little in embarrassment
"i'm gonna go get a few drinks, mingi come with me!" hongjoong said, before leaving towards a shop across from the park.


i grabbed onto yunhos hands and carefully put my feet on the board, him guiding me along whenever i stumbled a little. i caught a glimpse of hongjoong and mingi coming back, hongjoong carrying a white plastic bag in his hand which i assumed had drinks in it.

he approached me and yunho, taking my hand and pulling me away from the skateboard as he handed me a drink. i looked at the drink and smiled at him as i noticed it was the same drink i bought in the gas station last night. i love when people remember small details about me.
"thank you!!" i said, before he nodded and walked away.
i sat on a wall next to where they were sitting as there was no more space for me, i pulled my knees up to my chest and started to drink. i stared out into the distance before hearing someone say my name out of no where.
"come sit with us y/n" hongjoong said, shoving yeosang a little as a hint to move along the bench.
"oh sure" i said as i walked over to the bench, taking a seat in between them and staring awkwardly at the people skating.

after watching a few of hongjoongs friends skate i saw that it must have been late in the evening, the sky had started to turn a shade of orange and i was getting pretty tired. i sighed and leaned my head on hongjoongs shoulder. i felt him jerk back a little in shock, quickly adjusting to it and relaxing again. i felt him lean his head on mine suddenly, my cheeks going red again as i smiled a little.


i was awoken by hongjoong stroking my hair, as an attempt to wake me up i assumed. i turned my head up to face him and smiled.
"it's dark out shouldn't you get going?" he said, smiling back at me.
"i guess so, i'm too tired to move though." i replied in a low, tired voice
"take my hand" hongjoong said, reaching his hand out to me, grinning a little. in response i lazily reached out my hand which he firmly took in his, pulling me up gently from my seat on the bench. i stumbled along as he guided me out the skatepark after he had said goodbye to his friends.
"how long do they stay in the skatepark?" i questioned him out of the blue, i guess this is an effect of being tired.
"pretty late. sometimes they don't go home." he said, looking at me in confusion. i nodded as a response and continued stumbling over my own feet as i "walked".


as we reached the front door of my shared house he seemed a little sad that i had to go, he wasn't working tonight but i was too tired to stay out.
"so... tomorrow you wanna hang ou-" he said as he was cut off abruptly. i placed a quick kiss on his lips and smiled at him innocently, he stared at me judgementally and cleared his throat.
"are you drunk? your drink was just an energy drink!" he said, clearly flustered by the sudden kiss which neither of us had been expecting tonight.
"i'm sober.. i just wanted to do that. you're cute." i said in a low voice, i definitely sounded drunk.
"you too. you should go inside now" he said, almsot as if he really wanted me to leave.
"but my roommate isn't here, she left this morning to go on holiday for a week. what if i get kidnapped or someone breaks in?" i said as i hugged him, trying to make him stay.
"whatever let's go inside" he mumbled, as his plan of acting tough was not going to plan all of a sudden.
i lead him inside towards my bedroom door, i quickly looked inside to check it was clean before entering.
"come sit with me on my bed, it's really comfy!" i said as i dived onto the double bed, moving a large plushie to make room for hongjoong. he cautiously laid down, it must have been his first time talking to a girl or something, he is overly nervous today! l pulled the duvet over us and laid my head onto my pillow, shutting my eyes.

————hongjoong pov————

i looked down as i heard y/n asleep next to me. the soft snores escaping her mouth made me blush a little, as i grabbed her hand from next to me. i laid back into the pillow and sighed, when suddenly i felt her moving next to me. i froze in shock as her leg was now laying on top of line, not wanting to disturb her i ignored it and closed my eyes too as i slowly felt myself fall asleep.

————y/n pov————

as i opened my eyes i saw that blue hair that i loved so much on the other side of my bed, i took my hand away from his waist before leaning over him slightly to see if he was asleep, i smiled as i saw his eyes closed and his mouth open slightly, signalling that he's asleep. i laid back down and draped my arm over his waist again, trying to get back to sleep.

i was caught of guard when he turned around to face me, his eyes still closed.
"good morning cutie" he said in a croaky morning voice as he pulled me closer by the waist. what happened to the hongjoong that was so reluctant to go in my house yesterday? i smiled and used my hand to push the hair off his forehead, leaving a quick kiss on it. i could get used to this.

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