mingi pt2 // unplanned

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no proof read lol 😊👨‍❤️‍👨

your stomach and hand hurt like hell, you walked slowly through the park admiring the lake. you sat by the bank and watched a family of swans swim by, you looked at how much the mother swan cared for the baby swans and how the mum and dad never left each others side. you smiled and rested your chin in the palm of your hand. a cold breeze blew through the park and that's when you realised you didn't have your blazer with you, you must've left it on the bench, maybe somehow someone will return it to you. but who could you trust anymore?

you suddenly felt the urge to throw up, you didn't know what was going on today. you hadn't been feeling like this yesterday.

(after school is playing rn it rlly doesn't match the vibe does it?)

you opened the safari app on your phone and started googling your symptoms, you found a list of possible problems:

•the flu
•a cold
and many other random illnesses

looking at the 3rd one you felt uneasy, but it completely made sense.. but your parents would literally disown you and mingi would probably cut off contact with you. i mean no one really wants a kid during their teenage years. but you thought you should be safe, you made your way to the pharmacy across the road from the park and grabbed 2 pregnancy tests from the shelf. you found a shop with a restroom inside and took both tests, you lay them on the floor while you leaned on the door of the cubicle. the alarm on your phone went off and you decided it was time to look at the tests, you counted in your head '1...2...3' you looked down at the tests in your hand and your heart dropped.

"no... there's no fucking way.." you whispered holding back tears. you slid the tests into your bag and left the store hastily, what the fuck were you gonna do now? your life was literally over before it begun. 16 and pregnant? what would everyone think?

you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and saw a text on the screen.

'unknown number: hey i got your number from a friend, where are you? it's mingi btw.'

you put the phone back in your pocket and kept walking, you felt your phone vibrate again and checked it.

'unknown number: i love you and i'm worried about you, please let me know where you are. the last thing i want is you being alone outside in the middle of nowhere'

you felt butterflies in your stomach and tears of happiness came to your eyes, you opened the messages app and began typing

"i'm okay, i just didn't want to be there anymore. i went for a walk to clear my head and everything, i have some news to tell you. i don't know how to say it though so just give me some time, and please don't be mad"
read 13:04

"okay, i love you 💞" he texted back

you quickly replied "i love you too 💗"

"can i meet with you?" he texted back

"sure.. come to the park, the one near that run down factory with that giant lake in it. i'll be near the lake." you texted quickly

[10 minutes later]

you saw mingi waving at you in the distance, he started running towards you smiling

"are you okay princess?" he said pulling you in for a hug

"my head hurts, everything is going wrong mingi.." you said as you started to cry into his shirt, you clutched his shirt and began crying harder when you felt his hand rubbing circles on your back.

"hey.. it's okay y/n, i'm sorry for what those girls did to you. i thought you were right behind me! do you want to go to my place? also i have your blazer."

he had my blazer? i guess there was someone i could trust after all..!

"sure, let's go to your place." you said wiping your smudged mascara and sniffling, you took his hand in yours and you made your way to his house

when you walked in you instantly felt more come comfortable, it reminded you of the night before. you fell asleep in eachothers arms, it was so relaxing. then you remembered, you were pregnant, that night got you pregnant. but for some strange reason, you wanted to keep the baby, you felt attached already, you didn't want to get rid of it.

"mingi, can i stay here for a while?" you asked him
"since your parents are on a business trip for a month or 2?" you pleaded

"what about your parents? won't they wonder where you are?" he said while placing his keys on the table near the front door.

"no, they don't really check up on me. i've been looking after myself a lot lately without them."

"yeah sure, don't you wanna go pick up some clothes from your house?"

"hmm, i'll ask my brother to drop some off for me, along with my sanitary products and toothbrush etc" you said looking at him with a smile

"alright babe, make yourself at home, i need to go to the restroom." he quickly said before walking into the restroom.

you weren't even dating, yet he called you babe? does he think you're dating? if he does i won't be complaining. you sat on the sofa and looked at the house around you, it was such a large house, no wonder he said his dad will find him a job they must be rich. maybe i should look for job, i probably need to start buying baby things early. but i don't even know the gender? not until 18 weeks anyway. maybe i can save to buy the crib and stuff.. but who's house will i live in? i haven't even told my parents or mingi. all the thoughts rushed to your head and you whined leaning back into the sofa. mingi heard you and walked over to you when he was done in the restroom, he walked up behind where you were sitting and hugged you.

"what's wrong princess?" he said massaging your shoulders, he was such a sweetheart.

"i have a headache, i can't stop thinking about what i'm gonna do"

"do for what?"

"i can't tell you.." you said as you looked down

"yes you can! you can tell me anything!"

"mingi are we dating?"

"if you want us to then we can, i do love you after all y/n"

"yeah let's do that.." you said slightly smiling

"is that what you were thinking about?"

"well yes and no.. there's another thing but i don't know how to tell you, you might get mad"

"you can tell me anything babe!"

"well mingi.." you sighed and turned around to face him, you took his hands in yours and prepared for the worst.

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